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25th February 2016, 17:38
Hello, Malone.
I did not think you would like sought/sort!
I liked 20A, a good clue.
13A. I am presuming the lad I got was a Tudor composer.
Did not check.
6321 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th February 2016, 18:25
Rusty, I 'gave' Elle 13 A as I'm sure she'll prefer the 'Tudor' adjective to what we had recently!
6322 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th February 2016, 18:33
Just seen it malone - tree-fern!
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25th February 2016, 18:44
Good, ChrisE. I liked the clue, a little wit is always good!
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25th February 2016, 20:07
Hi, Rusty!
I am glad to hear that your vacuum cleaner is working again! At least that solves your immediate problem and you do not have to make a rush decision about buying a new one.
Yes, avail yourself of the opportunity of studying "Which" whilst you have it on your £1 deal!
(But bear in mind that Rosalind and I both recommend Dyson! I would never go back to using any other make!)
I wouldn't pronounce 'sought' and 'sort' the same, either? what about the 'r' sound?
I have finished my crosswords - quite straightforward today. I didn't have them this morning as my friend couldn't access The Times online for some reason so he only sent them to me later on.
I did Malone's clue for me, too!
But William Byrd is ringing a bell? Did we have him as an answer to something else recently - or were we talking about him for some reason?
I wonder why he sounds so familiar?
Has Miss ATW arrived yet? it is nice she is coming to visit.
We haven't yet had dinner, so I had better go think about that!

Hello, Malone!
I have managed "my " clue .
Byrd or By Rd!
I like it!
I couldn't do the clue you left for Chris, though?
I see that he has stated the answer - but I still cannot understand it!
Perhaps one of you could kindly explain?
6325 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th February 2016, 20:24
Elle, 'your' clue was because you weren't too keen on the description we had for Byrd last week 'Religious composer'.

The other answer, Tree Fern, has Reefer ('what a druggy may smoke') inside T and N, the first letters of 'this northern' ('in front of...'). T ree fer n.

6326 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th February 2016, 20:51
That's it, Malone!
Goodness , talk about "short -term memory loss"!
Should I be seriously worried, do you think?!
I suppose a saving grace is that at least the name was familiar!
Oh dear!

I would never in a million years have got the other clue!
Thank you for the explanation.
6327 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th February 2016, 21:03
Good evening, Elle!
There is some great stuff in Which.
I can access stuff from way back.
Down with sought/sort!
Miss ATW and my grandson are just away.
The iPad she gave me was a fine machine, but it insisted there was not enough memory to do updates, or something like that.
She will go to shop with me to get a tablet in a week or so.
Was fine seeing them though.
Byrd was new to me, though I worked out the clue, and tree fern was a good clue.
6328 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th February 2016, 21:57
Elle, I wouldn't worry - just yet! You've seen and solved a lot of clues since Byrd cropped up originally.

Some clues must come more naturally to certain of us. 'Tree fern' seemed quite straightforward (and good) to me, but I've been dissatisfied with other clues and answers which other people happily accept.
6329 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th February 2016, 22:00
Hi, Rusty!
Are you giving up on your Hudl and replacing it with a new tablet then?
At least you will get good advice if Miss ATW goes with you to choose one.
My elder daughter took a look at mine. She thought that one of the problems was because I hadn't carried out any updates.
So she fixed that!
Plus she got rid of some extraneous things that had miraculously appeared on the Hudl without my knowledge (no idea from where!)
So .......pared down, cleaned up......and updated....I am all set to go.....!
Certainly it is behaving itself at the moment anyway!
I felt a prize idiot not remembering from where I'd come across William Byrd before!
(at least Malone was able to tell me!)
Mind you , it wasn't so much Byrd himself that I had taken issue with, but the description of him as religious, rather than of his musical works!
As Maurice Chevalier said in 'Gigi'........
" Ah yes, I remember it well............."
6330 of 30765  -   Report This Post