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23rd February 2016, 22:12
Good Evening, Elle!
That was an eventful day!
I cannot match that, but I completed a task or two at home.
I cut up carpets in two rooms, ready to take to the skips, tomorrow.
And vacuumed and washed the floors.
Getting new carpets after the painter has finished.
And I ordered a silent (no tick) wall clock from Amazon!
Girls are fine. Up to no mischief that I am aware of!
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24th February 2016, 09:48
Good morning, Rusty!
Lovely day here! Bright blue skies and sunshine. Very cold though. The lakes in the park were frozen this morning! The ducks were waddling across them instead of swimming!
I hope your weather is good?
You will be off to the tip today after all your hard labour yesterday!
When is your painter coming? Do you have a date for him to start?
We are off to the vets shortly. The dog is going for her monthly check, and the cat for his annual booster vaccinations.
That last should be fun.... rounding up the cat to put him in the basket is like a new form of combat sport!
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24th February 2016, 11:06
Hi everyone,

Elle, I know the feeling re the cat - my two little devils had their stitches out yesterday and it took me at least 20mns to get the pair of them in the box ! And once at the Vets, they would not come out!

I envy your sunshine - here is 'brightish' but no sun as such, and not too warm either, though not freezing. Due to get sunnier and colder for second half of the week.

Hi Rusty, how is all the clearing out work getting on? All in the tip now?
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24th February 2016, 19:01
Hello, Elle!
Been fine weather here and starting to see a "grand stretch" in the evenings.
Yes, at the skips again, then washing floors etc.
A man's work is never done!

Hello, Pigale!
I am still slinging stuff!
But mostly done now.
We have had splendid weather, but cold, and it is set to continue for a few days.
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24th February 2016, 20:39
Hi, Rusty!
You've caught the spring -cleaning bug!
We have had a good day here.
The vet visit went well. The dog is doing fine...the infection has completely cleared - her anal glands were not blocked at all this time and the swelling of the lining of the left gland, which was thought to be permanent, has also gone.
She doesn't need to go again for another check till the end of April.
And I have just put in an Insurance claim, so should get about £300 back!
I can afford to go out to lunch tomorrow!
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24th February 2016, 21:18
Hello, Elle!
That is super news about doggie!
Everything should be fine now!
I want two empty rooms for the painter coming, that's why I am slinging stuff. Some amount of dust under carpets which were laid many years ago.
Now my vacuum cleaner has no suction, and I have it in bits.
Washed the filters and will see how it performs tomorrow.
Are you lunching tomorrow?
Been a great day here, but fairly cold.
Zero degrees outside now.
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24th February 2016, 21:38

oooh er, I took down some pictures to start decorating (Ellie aged 2 - "But it's not Christmas") and found a lot of dust, cobwebs etc. After 3 testers and long decision making regarding colour, settle on one only to discover Crown is discontinuing the whole range! Have bought 5 litres and hope it's enough. Colour "crème de la rose".
I will paint one wall a day and the ceiling over 4 days! All spiders will temporarily be homeless.
Glad about the animals, Elle. What a lot of money!
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24th February 2016, 22:02
Hello, Rosalind.
Good luck with the painting.
You appear to know what you are about!
I was wondering if my painter had a lady assistant.
He mentioned Maggie several times.
Then I twigged it was shorthand for magnolia!
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24th February 2016, 22:36
Hey, Rusty!
Oops! sorry to hear about the possible demise of your hoover.......
I hope you succeed in resurrecting it tomorrow!
I had to laugh when I read about "Maggie".......(are you making this up?)
I have just dug out a book by Jeffrey Archer that I have no recollection whatsoever of reading before........"False Impression".
Have you read this ?
I can only assume that I bought it and then set it side for some reason and it got "buried"!
Anyway, I shall enjoy reading it now........
Yes, I am "lunching" idea as to where, though, yet.
Very cold here now, and It's going to be zero degrees when I go out with the dog in the morning!

Hello, Ros!
I hope you have bought enough paint to do all your walls!
A possible plan against a disaster could be to decide on the most dominant wall and then leave that till the last? Then, if you run out of "creme de la rose" paint, you could maybe do that remaining wall in a contrasting colour?
Just a contingency plan........
The £495 (!) on vet bills was spent over the last five months.... a large part was the cost of the dog's operation and the biopsy done on the "lump" .
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24th February 2016, 22:57
I have always done both the inside and outside decorating, Rusty! Until last year, when I paid someone to paint the rendering yet again. I have swopped my scaffold tower for a chain saw (I kid you not).

Thanks for the idea, Elle. I am pretty sure I have enough paint for 2 coats. I may do the chimney breast something startling. The room only has 3 walls, since it was knocked through, and most of one is taken up with a bay window. I think I will do the other room in a different colour- at the moment it is pretty featureless.

At Homebase (we no longer have a B & Q) they have put some posts to restrict the width of cars entering the car park. This i sapparently to stop the travellers getting in. They have had to be evicted 5 times recently, at a cost of £5,000 per time.
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