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21st February 2016, 19:53
Hello, Elle!
Miss O was returning my keys.
Surprisingly, to me, she has never heard of shorthand.
Is the technique not used any more, I wonder?
I did not know about the German lad?
A tricky one, indeed!
There is a lot of suspicion attached to Flo Jo's death.
They said her bladder was empty and so they could not test for steroids. I don't believe that.
I know she was condemned by Gwen Torrence who came later, for setting records that Torrence knew would never be broken by a clean athlete.
I remember Ikem Billy well, but do not know the truth.
It is on record that Andy Norman was Mr Fixit, though.
I do not rate Coe very highly at all.
Much preferred Cram and Foster.
More drama ahead, indeed!
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21st February 2016, 20:13
Sad to hear about David Duffield - reputed to have the largest bladder of all commentators (he would do 8 hour stints on the T de F).
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21st February 2016, 20:30
Yes, Chris.
i do not know what happened Dave Duffield.
Report said he died of injuries after a heavy fall.
He was 84.
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21st February 2016, 21:16
Hi, Rusty!
I have just been watching "Call the Midwife".
I was telling you about this the other day when we were talking about Poplar ( in the East End of London) - I think it was in relation to a crossword clue?
If you remember, the series is based on the memoirs of Jennifer Worth, a midwife herself at one time.
It was an excellent story.
I have read the trilogy written by Jennifer Worth , but I think these stories being shown now are in addition to those in the books - presumably being written by someone else but based on the original characters.
We only had a little rain and it is fine again now. Very much milder, too.
Back to normal in the morning.......up with the lark (well, nearly!) and out with the dog by 7.45am!
Be it rain or shine.......I love the early morning walk!
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21st February 2016, 22:23
Hello, Elle!
I read books like that many years ago, written by a country vet.
He used the pen name James Herriot. I liked them, but not at all sure if there was any truth in them.
Entertaining though!
What about shorthand?
Has it been overtaken by dinky wee machines that do the work?
It seems mild here.
Been a good winter up here, so far.
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21st February 2016, 23:03
Hi, Rusty!
I too have read all the James Herriot books!
His real name was James Alfred Wight - known as "Alf".
And he certainly was a qualified veterinary surgeon.
I believe that the stories are only partially auto-biographical, some parts being vaguely based on real events or people whom he had known, or occurrences that he had experienced.
Did you ever watch the TV series based on his books? It was called "All Creatures Great and Small " and figured vets Siegfried and Tristan Farnon.
I enjoyed watching that.
I don' t know the first thing about shorthand? or indeed any sort of secretarial work? Maybe dictaphones are used nowadays? and the secretary transcribes from that?
Time for a hot drink...and maybe a piece of shortbread.......

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22nd February 2016, 00:31

I think shorthand has been overtaken by tape recorders or whatever followed from them.

I loved "All creatures Great and Small". My husband used to call it "Hand up a cow's backside", which frequently was the case.

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22nd February 2016, 08:11
Good morning, Elle.
Fine morning up here.
Yes, I remember Wight, now.
The series would be one of the few I ever watched.
I thought it was very well done.
I did have a slight criticism of the TV series, though.
I remember thinking that the actress who played Mrs Herriot looked too old for the part.
And, Victoria came last in the point to point yesterday.
Her old adversary, Anna Meares, is on her way to London with the Aussie team for the World Championships.
She has her nails done with the Australian flag on.
Very well done, too.

Good morning, Rosalind,
I think you are correct.
Looks like shorthand has gone the way of logarithms etc.
Overtaken by technology.
The young ones do not not seem to have heard of it!
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22nd February 2016, 10:17
Good morning, Rusty!
You are very lucky to have a fine day!
It is very wet here! The dog was covered in mud by the time we arrived home from our walk!
Victoria hardly covered herself in glory then, did she, coming last in the point-to point? She seems fated either with ill-luck or bad management?
Whichever, the outlook isn't boding well for Cheltenham, is it?
So what will happen to her now?
This morning's task is to reorganise the cupboard under the stairs; fitting a light in there was one of the jobs the electrician did for us last week.
There is a lot of space in there, but plenty of articles that require storing in said space!
But at least now we can see to do it! ( before it required shining a torch!)
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22nd February 2016, 11:30
Good morning, Elle!
Great day here!
Man and van not long away. Another job done.
That's good the sparky put in a light for you.
If you need a torch, for emergencies, say, Screwfix have a "brilliant" range at sensible prices.
Far superior to torches of several years ago.
I would not read too much into Vic being last.
Goodness only knows what kind of horse she was on.
She will be riding out on the gallops for Lawney Hill every day.
And maybe to Paul Nicholls yard too.
Vic needs experience and that is where she will get it.
Right! Off for my paper and pancakes!
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