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22nd February 2016, 12:31
Hi, Rusty!
Still raining here! According to the forecast, it was supposed to stop late morning, but hasn't done so yet!
Maybe it will before our second walk......
I know you don't do the Times 2 but Mr. R thought of you this morning...... you cannot complain this isn't on your doorstep! (well, not literally, I hope)
Scotland's longest river (3)
I see that Boris Johnson has come out in favour of pulling out of the EU..... that will upset David Cameron and be a big influence on Londoners, especially those who are indecisive and looking for a lead.......
But I shouldn't start a discussion about membership of the EU on might cause too many sparks to fly......
Did you get your pancakes? what topping are you having with them?
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22nd February 2016, 14:26
Hello, Elle!
Still a glorious day here!
The Tay. A mighty river, indeed!
That maniac McGonagall wrote a "poem" about it.
I must say that I do not know much about Boris or his views, but he rides a bike, so must be one of the good guys!
"In or Out" is going to be controversial, no matter what.
Yes, I got pancakes and put Lurpak on them.
My Chambers Dictionary has arrived.
"Very good condition" is understating it.
I doubt if the book has ever been opened before.
Delighted once again with World of Books and I shall give them excellent "feedback".
Off now, for a dander!
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22nd February 2016, 16:15
Good afternoon, Rusty!
How far did you go for your "dander"?
We have had a lovely afternoon here, too - the rain eventually stopped.......the sun came out..... ...and indeed is still shining!
It has been lovely out! although we didn't go far afield...... the cupboard is only partially sorted!
We abandoned the project to go and enjoy the sunshine!
That is indeed good about your Chambers! You now need an extra supply of crosswords in order to put it to good use!
I certainly agree with you that W of B are the best secondhand book suppliers with whom I have had dealings.
And they apologised so nicely after their little hiccough with the partially "filled in" crossword book - and I got a speedy good-as -new replacement!
Our garden is now festooned with daffodils - but many of them are still in bud as yet. Only a few are open.....
But they did grow even though it was late November when we eventually planted them!
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22nd February 2016, 16:40
I'll share something with you that amused me. Ear;ier in the day on the BBC News website there was a headline stating "Johnson: I wasn't a good person."

It now reads "Adam Johnson: I wasn't a good person."

I wonder if Boris complained?
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22nd February 2016, 16:57
Hi, Chris!
Well, if Boris did complain, I guess under the circumstances one couldn't blame him!
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22nd February 2016, 17:13
Hello, Elle!
Yes, W of B is the best I have came across.
I think your puzzle book was an aberration.
I know I have bought a score or more books from World of Books and have been very pleased with every purchase.
I had a dander up to the park.
My local forecast is for sunshine for the next few days, but it shall be cold.
My son texted to me that there is snow on the mountains in Madeira. Surprised me!
Chris, the BBC in house lawyers, or editors, maybe spotted that and took action.
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22nd February 2016, 19:38
Hi, Rusty!
I initially went with World of Books on your recommendation! and the reference books I have bought have been as new - both my Bradford's and Brewers looked as though they had never been opened! even though they were not the latest editions.
My daughter, husband and young one went to the Baby show at ExCel yesterday.
ExCel is a fantastic Exhibitions and International Convention Centre at the Royal Victoria Dock in London Docklands.
The Baby show is a great place to go both for ideas for baby ...clothes, equipment etc..... sometimes at worthwhile discounted prices, and also for "freebies" - the handouts one gets from stallholder and suppliers are amazing!
I gather they had a great day out and bought some amazing things for the forthcoming infant!
She has only this week to work and then her maternity leave starts.
Baby is due to put in appearance mid- March.
Are your son and his wife enjoying their holiday? No more visits from the girls?
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22nd February 2016, 20:14
Hello, Elle!
I am sure you have passed on to a friend or two, info regarding World of Books. I know I have.
I gave them good feedback today.
The baby show sounds great.
I have not heard of ExCel before.
My son and wife are having a good time, but my impression is that they prefer Florida!
They say everyone speaks English, and there was a German cruise ship came in today.
All quiet with the girls, thank the Lord.
I dread my phone ringing!
But they keep me on my toes, I suppose!
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22nd February 2016, 21:43
Hi, Rusty!
Goodness, I am having trouble staying awake!
And when I am awake, I keep yawning!
An inheritance from having the boys to stay!
I do rather get carried away and tend to fill our days with too much action! but it's good to take them out and about, and to play stimulating games with them whilst they are here.
To borrow your phrase you just used about the keeps us all on our toes!
I shall go make a drink and then consider having an early(ish) night!

6299 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd February 2016, 20:18
Good evening, Rusty!
How has your day been?
We have been unusually busy! The day started with a very pleasant early morning walk - very cold , only 3C, but with blue skies and sunshine. Most invigorating!
Then I went to get my haircut........
But after this, events escalated and we had unexpected visitors!
All we had was a brief warning phone-call and hey presto, they arrived!
It was a delightful surprise!
It has been a good day!
How are the girls? No dramas, I hope?
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