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1st February 2016, 20:04
Hi, Rusty!
I am not sure whereabouts Mayo is?
Ah yes, Whats App in Silicon Valley! ( they offered you a job!)
I only have an old-fashioned mobile - all it does is rings and texts - but I talk to family and friends a lot on the landline, as we have free calls with our BT package.
I also email!
It is good to be in touch.
Now.......I have just received an email from World of Books regarding my Times crossword book.
I was right in my surmise that World of Books only provide secondhand books!
I obviously should have realised this!
Anyway, it is good that they wrote to explain.
(I shall only order crossword books from Amazon in future).
But at least W of B has more manners than does Chambers!
Your "weather" is not good! I hope you do not have any personal trouble with your own roof.
But as you say, it does seem to be the new properties that are suffering - it doesn't say much for modern builders?
Our house is a Victorian Villa! built in 1878.
How are you faring with your cold, now that the evening is upon us?
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1st February 2016, 20:41
Helli, Elle!
You do not know where Mayo is!!! Goodness me!
It is on the West coast of Ireland and sticks out into the Atlantic. Next stop, America.
Have you not heard the Saw Doctors doing "The Green and Red of Mayo"?
Westport is a nice wee place there.
Popular with the tourists.
Matt Molloy has a pub there, and great music in the evenings.
I am surprised to hear that World of Books think a partly completed puzzle book is acceptable to sell?
Chambers are the pits as regards their dealings with the public.
My cold is the same.
Bound to improve soon!
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1st February 2016, 20:44
"Oh the green and red of Mayo, I can see it still.................." - one of my all time favourites, Rusty!
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1st February 2016, 21:16
Mine, too, Chris!
Especially when there are thousands singing it when Mayo are in the All-Ireland final at Croker!
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1st February 2016, 21:21
The first time we were there we made a point of visiting Tuam - "We're all the way from............................". (We also saw the reproduced cottage used in "The quiet man".)
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2nd February 2016, 09:13
Good morning, Elle!
The good folks at Mountain View have announced they have one billion users of WhatsApp, today.
The wind has died away here.
Hearing from Donegal that for the first time in years there are "polar stratospheric clouds" in the sky today.
That is good to hear, though I would recognise one!
That is an old house you have.
Is there any original wallpapering?
In those days there was arsenic used in its manufacture.
Fine day here and my cold is improving.
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2nd February 2016, 10:11
Good morning, Rusty!
I am glad that your cold is improving - hopefully in another 24 hours it might be gone.
I had a nice walk this morning , but VERY cold!
Harking back to yesterday, I am afraid that I do not know of the Saw Doctors......or "The Green and Red of Mayo"?
I do know of Galway though and Bing's recording of "Galway Bay"!
Does that help to redeem me?
Yes, our house is very old, but sadly there are (virtually )no original Victorian features remaining.........whoever owned the house before us had stripped it bare.
There is a very small section of the hall ceiling that retains its original mouldings - left there more to good luck than good management, I think - but we have left that in situ.
Otherwise, other than the spaciousness , you would not know from the interior that it is Victorian.
It looks in period from the outside, of course.
And the date and name of the house are on the outside wall!
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2nd February 2016, 10:17
Hi elle
I posted some links to Saw Doctors songs when we were discussing Shane McGowan. I know that pigale liked some of them.
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2nd February 2016, 10:25
I remember now, Chris! I'd just forgotten the name of the group! Yes, I liked a some of them ,too - particularly one....I think I mentioned it at the time - now which one would it have been, can you remember ?
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2nd February 2016, 10:42
I have spent several happy holidays in Counties Clare (the Burren, fabulous for plants), Donegal and Mayo. I think they have some of the loveliest beaches in the world, especially Mayo.
Also places where long flat slabs of rock jut into the sea with the best rock pools I've ever found. Amazing sea urchins. Then I saw that Monica woman on a cookery program cutting into live ones. I wrote but of course I never got an answer.
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