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2nd February 2016, 10:52
Hello, Rosalind,
My family come from the area around Carrickfinn Airport in Donegal.
Great beaches there. The older folk still call them "strands".
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2nd February 2016, 10:58
Same old town or Clare Island, I expect, elle.
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2nd February 2016, 11:05
Hi there,

You are right Chris, I did like the Saw Doctors and have just listened to them again - I still like them and have a slight preference for Same Old Town, which I think was my preference the first time I heard them thanks to you.

Fairly bright and mild here -
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2nd February 2016, 11:06
Hello, Elle!
The Green and Red of Mayo is Mayo's anthem!
The Gaelic teams' colours are green and red, too.
I love Bing and Galway Bay, and also "The Galway Shawl" though I wouldn't know if Bing tackled that one?
So your redemption is ordained.
Queen Victoria got rid of all her wallpaper from one of her residences, because visiting dignitaries were becoming ill, and they traced it to arsenic in the wallpaper.
I think the green colours contained arsenic.
It had a specific name which I have forgotten.
But you seem to be OK in your house.
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2nd February 2016, 11:39
I think only the wealthy could afford wallpaper when those villas were built, Rusty.
My gt gt grandfather was a policeman for 60 years and when he retired, he bought one of those somewhere near where Elle lives, I believe. I doubt he had wallpaper, though the police did get pensions even then (1890s). My other gt gt grandfather PC received £85 a year!
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2nd February 2016, 12:12
Hi, Rusty!
It is glorious here now - bight blue skies and lovely sunshine. If it weren't so cold, it would be spring-like!
I now have two earworms...."Galway Bay" and "Same old town"!
I rather think Bing is in the ascendant!
We have lived in our present home for thirty odd years - so I have long lost count of how many times we will have redecorated throughout - definitely nary a vestige of old wallpaper left! We are quite safe from arsenic poisoning!!
I would have liked still to have most of the old features though, but there wasn't an option - the house interior was utterly divested of everything remotely Victorian.
All too far gone even to think of restoring the property.
And anyway, we were too broke in those far ago days...... we had to live upstairs for a few years, as downstairs wasn't even fit for habitation!
We had to work our way through the house, "fixing" a bit at a time!
How long have you lived in your present home?
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2nd February 2016, 12:13
Hi, Chris!
Been listening to the songs are quite favourite was / still is "Same old town..." !
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2nd February 2016, 14:58
Hello, Elle!
The arsenic was Scheele's Green.
Needless to say it is a great relief you have none in your house.
On reflection, I agree with Rosalind, it would only be the better off folk who had wallpaper away back in time.
How are you off for ghosts?
I have been living here many years.
Just spoke to my painter.
He is coming back possibly on the 29th, if not, the following week, to do more rooms.
Bing was the biz, all right.
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2nd February 2016, 15:50
Yes, I have an earworm too, "Galway Bay". It was enough to make me visit there!
It's sad about your house, Elle. My son has an 1880s manse in Wales, which still has the lovely cornices and ceiling roses. And huge draughty bay windows, of course! I still have all my 1930s doors (though not window frames) and even a picture rail!
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2nd February 2016, 16:26
Are there internal shutters in those period houses? My Aunt in Oxfordshire had a big old house with big bay windows and there were internal shutters - but I don't think the house was as old as the Victorian era.
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