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27th January 2016, 10:08
Hello, Elle!
Dreich here, too, as well.
Painter been here since 8.15.
Not sure of the plans today, or how long he is here for.
No Pine Cone planned, though.
Good that the transport system is being revamped in and round London. It is a good system as it is, though?
Hello, Pigale,
Hope you get on fine in the village!
A little drink with your friends?
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27th January 2016, 11:30
Yep ! just come back and enjoyed a glass of Rose wine (small - French cafe measure) and a nice chat with some fellow villagers.

BTW, I too think Magnolia is a very nice soft/peaceful colour for a bedroom; also very easy to match with furniture, drapes (if you intend to have any), and carpets.
5772 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th January 2016, 12:16
Hi, Rusty!
Hi, Rusty!
We have just come back from the vets. We took the dog for the monthly check of her anal glands. A lot of the inflammation has gone down in the gland that was previously infected and things are looking good!
Yes, we have a good transport system here in London, although living out on the Kent borders we ourselves only have the Overground and the local mainline train, within reasonable access.
The tube doesn't come out anywhere near to us; although there have been talks about extending a line or two to the outer limits of South London.
That would be an excellent move!
At present, I have to get a mainline train into London before I can use the Tube.
How is the painter progressing?
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27th January 2016, 12:21
P. S. Not sure how come you got a double salutation! Stopped to answer the phone and must have just typed it in again afterwards without noticing! (have got the cat on my knee!)
5774 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th January 2016, 12:39
Hello, Pigale,
Yes, everyone says magnolia is a good choice.
That's good you had a chat with friends in the village and a wee drink, too!
Nice and civilised!
5775 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th January 2016, 12:47
Hello, Elle!
Excellent news about doggie!
A regular trip to your vet won't do any harm in future?
My impression has always been that your transport system in London is very good. Long may that continue!
Painter is going well. His singing is worse than mine!
Even gave my front door another coat of paint.
Not sure how long he is staying today.
La Bamba will be here soon.
All go here today!
5776 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th January 2016, 15:16
Hi, Rusty!
Well, that was a bonus, having another coat of paint on your front door!
Are both painter and Miss L-B still with you? Is she back at Uni now?
As "Senior citizens" , we get FREE travel, too, throughout London and peripheral areas. With my Freedom Pass, I can travel free on buses, mainline trains, Overground, Tube, Trams and DLR. There are even reduced fares on some of the river boats, although I have never availed myself of that offer.
There is often talk recently of the Government's doing away with the Freedom Passes - I think there would be a revolution in London if this ever happened!
Maybe we could chain ourselves to railings of Government buildings in Cristobel Pankhurst mode?

5777 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th January 2016, 16:01
I read somewhere today that asylum seekers are being identified and picked on as a disproportionate number of them are housed in houses with red doors; the council is hastily repainting them (the doors, that is).

Our house has red doors - fingers crossed that we aren't thought to be asylum seekers too.
5778 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th January 2016, 16:56
Hi Chris,

Does this apply to Scotland too ? Rusty has just had his door painted red !
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27th January 2016, 17:01
Just re-found the article, pigale. It was Middlesborough and Stockton council area - a safe distance from both Rusty and us!
5780 of 30765  -   Report This Post