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25th January 2016, 17:06
anag of regard in Kent ? I'm sure Rusty has got it !
5751 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th January 2016, 17:11
Hello, Pigale !
Yes, you are quite right!
I wasn't posting it because it was a clever or interesting clue, but simply because I live on the Kent borders!
Did you go down to the village this morning to meet up with your friends?
5752 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th January 2016, 17:37
Hi again Elle,

Yes, I walked down and duly posted the package to my friends in Cumbria - they are wondering if there will be more flooding in their area by mid-week - Just think, had the Winter been a real Winter, can you imagine all this rain could have been snow ! (which is more in keeping for their usual winter weather)

Anyway, the walk was extremely pleasant under the brilliant sunshine; birds are twitting, wondering whether to build a nest yet or not ! Temp this afternoon reached 15c ! And I had a natter with those of the group who had made it down today, so it was nice.

Are you going to be a 'lady who lunches' this week ?
5753 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th January 2016, 18:50
Hello, Pigale!
It is good that you have had such a pleasant day - both weather wise and with the good company you enjoyed!
It must be extremely difficult for your friends in Cumbria - and for all the others similarly placed.
The future looks bleak in that there will always be the worry that this might happen again another Winter, especially as we are told that this kind of weather might well become the norm.
And I guess that no one who has had this happen to them are likely to be able to sell their property?
Re "Lady who lunches"...fingers crossed!
5754 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th January 2016, 20:42
Hi, Rusty!
Is everything done and dusted now? Did your son and grandson arrive to help you move the wardrobe? Is all now ready for the painter tomorrow?
The only decision left for you to make is to decide on a colour for your walls!
But I guess you still have a few days in which to decide that - there will be other painting and wallpapering to do before that stage is reached, won't there?
Did you do that crossword clue I sent you -see my post 5750 - but it wasn't a particularly interesting or clever one, I only posted it because we live on the borders of Kent!
I was just going to watch "Casualty" - which I thought I had recorded on Saturday- only to find it wasn't there. Somehow it didn't get recorded! Oops!
5755 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th January 2016, 20:59
Hello, Elle!
I got kindergarten!
Just my son came.
Just took us a couple of minutes.
Gliders a big help.
The painter has an empty room to tackle.
He will be here several parts of days.
Paint has to dry etc and he will head off to other jobs, then.
Not thought about a colour yet.
I am sure the painter will have a colour in mind.
I don't suppose it was a senior moment that caused the non-appearance of Casualty!
5756 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th January 2016, 21:48
Hi, Rusty!
That is good that your son helped you.
You surely cannot leave it to the painter to decide on a colour for your bedroom?
It is you who has to sleep in the room! and wake up to said colour every day - not the painter!
What colours do you like? at least choose one that you feel you could "live/ sleep with"!
What is this about a "senior moment"? Who, me?
The strange thing is that I checked the settings of the Freeview box tonight, after I discovered the failed recording, and the settings were still there - they had just never kicked off into action!
So I HAD set the recording.......I think that absolves me from a "senior moment"?!
No idea what the fault was, though. I just hope it doesn't happen again!
What time will your painter arrive tomorrow?
5757 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th January 2016, 22:35
Hello, Elle,
Painter arrives at 8.30ish.
No thoughts on colour.
I want it neat and calm and will listen to my deckie's suggestion.
It is annoying if you miss a recording.
I have catch up TV.
I can watch things I missed last week if I want.
Great technology.
Still dry here but forecast is rain!
5758 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th January 2016, 09:06
Good morning, Rusty!
And a very pleasant one it is, too. The sun is endeavouring to shine and it is still mild.
Your painter should be with you by now? Is he a coffee drinker, or have you had to lay in the tea-bags?
In about an hour, I shall be going to get my hair cut. I had to postpone my appointment last week, but am beginning to resemble a shaggy dog, so it is imperative that I go today!
On my return, we shall take out the dog!
I hope your morning goes smoothly!
5759 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th January 2016, 11:27
Good morning, Elle!
Lucky you with the weather!
Rain here.
My painter has been and gone.
Back tomorrow.
He has stripped the old paper.
He never stopped.
Working away with a coffee to hand.
All looking good, he said.
I am getting magnolia paint.
What think you?
Did you get a trim?
Not the bestest day for walking up here, anyway!
5760 of 30765  -   Report This Post