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24th January 2016, 20:34
janebb @5728
Please feel free to ignore this thread.
5731 of 30765  -   Report This Post


24th January 2016, 20:45
Hello, Pigale!
No such good weather with me but I am glad someone is getting it!
I hope it keeps up for you!
5732 of 30765  -   Report This Post


24th January 2016, 20:56
Hi, Chris!
I did see your comment about "Death of a Salesman" - I meant to reply but somehow it got overlooked.
Have you seen it as a play in the theatre - or the film or TV series?
I loved the comment about Dustin Hoffman!
I've only read the play, never watched it live or otherwise.

Hi, Pigale!
Yes, we have had it warm - up to 13C but not all that dry!
It hasn't been raining as such, just damp everywhere!
Did you go down to the village today as you were thinking you might?
Did you meet up with friends there?
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24th January 2016, 21:06
Hi, Rusty!
I am not grasping this project concept ......what does Betfair actually "do" for Victoria? do they "train" her to ride?
And does this apply to others?
You at least have one more day to clear the decks before your painter comes!
Are you still thinking of moving to a motel? or staying on site to make the tea / coffee!
5734 of 30765  -   Report This Post


24th January 2016, 21:23
Hello, Elle!
I imagine Betfair are paying for everything.
Firstly, she has to learn how to ride.
She is at stables every day, learning.
Then she has to learn how to jump fences etc and race ride.
She gets good advice from AP, Paul Nichols etc
It is a huge learning curve for her, and she loves it.
Very good publicity for Betfair, too.
I just hope she can complete the course at Cheltenham.
That would be a great achievement!
No motel, I am staying put.
I am trying out furniture "gliders" tomorrow.
Supposed to be great for moving very heavy furniture etc..
We shall see!
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24th January 2016, 21:27
Elle, type "switching saddles" into your search box and it will tell you all about it!
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24th January 2016, 21:38
Elle, I only popped down quickly yesterday afternoon to collect something from the pharmacist - no socialising at that time, I was too late.

I am definitely going down tomorrow morning and will see the gang - I am posting a couple of thermo-ware vests/ T-shirts for my friend's mother - at 92, she needs all the warmth she can get and we have a brilliant on-line shop here called Damart.
5737 of 30765  -   Report This Post


24th January 2016, 22:08
Hi, Rusty!
Thank you for explaining that....... and I have looked up "Switching Saddles" on Google" too, as you suggested.
It seems to be an exclusive offer just for Victoria? I read in The Independent that Betfair emailed her suggesting it.
I also read that she must qualify in FIVE point-to -points in order to qualify for her licence.
She has a tough road (ride) ahead of her!
But I'm sure she will do it - she seems very determined!

Hello, Pigale!
That is good - an interesting trip to the village tomorrow to meet your friends
I cannot go down to our High Street either, without bumping into some one whom I know - but we don't congregate en bloc to meet and have coffee as you do - I think that is a nice, friendly idea! Maybe a Continental one? It doesn't really occur here.
I meant to ask you how your friends in Cumbria are coping after the floods?
5738 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th January 2016, 08:44
Good morning, Elle!
Victoria has already done one point-to-point.
She is working like a Trojan learning new skills.
She is determined all right, and has the Worlds and Olympics gold medals to prove that.
It will be a great achievement to complete the course in the Foxhunters. I hope she does.
We are meant to be getting very heavy rain later in the week.
It is crossing the Atlantic now.
Not so good!
5739 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th January 2016, 08:52
Morning Rusty,

I think that very heavy rain is the snow that hit the US and will turn to rain on reaching Europe. I hope no one will suffer any more flooding - the earth is still saturated and I believe your rivers are still high.

Are you going to be busy moving things around today, in readiness for the painter? As you say, furniture gliders are very useful.
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