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24th January 2016, 14:55
Good afternoon, Rusty!
It was great to get out! We probably walked about a mile and a half - not very far, but then after two weeks' incarceration, I thought it a goodly effort!
Very damp - extremely muddy underfoot - but surprisingly warm!
Abu Dhabi is the capital of the United Arab Emirates. Our elder daughter, when in the Sixth Form at school, worked in Dubai (also in UAE) during the Summer holidays, for work experience. She and another pupil from the school did a special project for the company.
It was good experience - and she got well paid for the work produced!
You will know the principle of a homonym............ you perhaps know it better as a homophone? it is a word having the same sound (and perhaps spelling) as another word, but with a different meaning.
eg eyebrow - 'ighbrow in Malone's clue! but probably not a very good example as 'ighbrow isn't really a word....... about ate - eight; faze - phase; bare - bear ?
Are you having a (small) bet on Faugheen?
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24th January 2016, 15:14
Thanks Elle for the adblock plus reminder. This time I'll do it!
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24th January 2016, 15:21
You're welcome, Steve !
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24th January 2016, 15:44
Hello, Elle!
Yes, that was a far enough walk after your ailment.
Rickie has won the tournament in Abu Dhabi, wherever it is!
I have an idea about homophone and nyms.
But I am more "hands on"" rather than knowing what these terms are. I hope you understand the previous sentence because I am not sure I do.
No bet on Faugheen. He has just won remarkably easily.
I put a bet on him weeks ago to win Champion Hurdle at Cheltenham in March. But, the bet is a two horse bet known as a "double". Both horses must win for me.
The other horse is Air Force Blue in the 2000 Guineas at Newmarket on 30th April. Fingers crossed!
Still very cloudy up here.
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24th January 2016, 17:12
Hi, Rusty!
You have had a successful day with your sport - all your "favourites" have won their races/ golf tournament etc!
Still damp here, strange it isn't drying up as the temperature is still in double figures.
I enjoyed the fresh air and exercise this afternoon - though more retrospectively, than at the time!
I shall however take the dog out myself this coming week, rather than asking my friend to do so, as she did last week.
Got to get back in the saddle, so to speak! - to keep in with your 'horse' talk!
But I shan't go out till mid-morning/ lunchtime at least., when it will have warmed up.
We have had an early dinner, as somewhere we missed a meal!
The sausages and mash (originally planned for yesterday) were excellent!
What are you having ?
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24th January 2016, 18:23
Hello, Elle!
I had porridge and a banana for tea
And very nice, too!
Yes, get yourself back in the saddle slowly, pesky cough permitting.
Now "saddle"!
One of my favourites, Victoria Pendleton, is taking part in a project called " Switching Saddles".
She is a multiple World and Olympic champ on the bike, but has retired, and is now learning how to ride/race horses, with the aim of taking part in the Foxhunters Chase at Cheltenham in March. If she gets to Cheltenham, I think she will do very well to get round, and over the big fences, never mind having a chance of winning. But I shall be cheering her all the way!
Sausages and mash sounds great!
You are making me hungry!
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24th January 2016, 19:35
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, I know that you like Victoria! and I know that she is changing to riding horses instead of bikes!
But what I DIDN'T know is that this is a special project? "Switching Saddles"? You haven't mentioned this before? how does it work?
I had assumed that it was only Victoria who was making a career change.
Did you see the mess I made over an Everyman clue? I finished the crossword easily enough this morning, bar two clues whose answers apparently clashed.
The annoying thing is initially I had done both correctly, but couldn't reconcile my answer to one, with the apparent definition, so I reversed the whole thing , went back to the beginning and then filled in the wrong answer! Mad at myself!!
Did you find an interesting book to read? I am visualising your burrowing through a great pile of books in order to find a suitable choice!
I still have several to work my way through.....
P. S. I hate porridge!
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24th January 2016, 20:13
I/we don't understand why you are not communicating on (ie) facebook. When we want to 'dip' into this thread would you really want to have to read this? We all think Not. OR most of us!!
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24th January 2016, 20:29
Hello, Elle!
The project is sponsored by Betfair, the bookmakers.
Victoria has been given a horse to ride at Cheltenham but she needs experience, and does not have much time to get it.
No book, I had a visitor.
I have most of my books put away ere the painter arrives!
A dry evening here.
Hope it continues!
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24th January 2016, 20:32
Hi Rusty and Elle,

Hope you both had a good day - it has been so nice here that I had both doors to the terrace opened for about 3 hours ! I reckon it must have been about 14/15 C in the sun; no wind either.

I know from my English friends that there has been a lot of humidity in the air - not so good for your cough Elle!
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