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23rd January 2016, 16:57
Yes, Rusty, it wasn't much of a clue.

PS. Do you fancy the Antilles? ( That answer didn't have a great clue either!)
5691 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd January 2016, 17:01
I would really like that one, Malone, if I was Cockney!
Quite good, but lost on me!
5692 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd January 2016, 17:48
Apologies for asking this again ...due to forgetfulness and lack of tablet for 2-3 weeks ...

Someone kindly recommended something to block adverts on an android tablet. What was it? Believe it or not, most of what I'm typing right now is hidden behind a huge ad in the middle of the screen!
5693 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd January 2016, 18:31
Hi, Rusty!
I'm sorry, I'm afraid I missed all that about your last clue!
I wandered off to have a bath, and then wash and dry my hair!
I've just looked in again........
For what is worth, I would have said 'ice -cold' for 'Siberian'.
'Ice' for 'diamonds' and 'cold' for 'cutting' - although that last doesn't seem very satisfactory. I've checked Anne B and it doesn't give it in there?
Was Malone giving "Antilles" as the answer to his earlier clue?
I don't get it?
Please can you explain?
I am considering what we should have for dinner...we have a choice of sausage and mash or the remains of the chilli con carne..... I think it will be sausages today!
Have you had your tea?
5694 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd January 2016, 18:33
Hello, Steve!
You can use Adblock Plus on your android tablet.
It works very well.
5695 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd January 2016, 18:47
Hello, Elle!
It may be a great clue or it may not.
I am not the brightest but I usually can parse the clue/answer.
On that one I struggled, but Malone parsed it satisfactorily.
I have lost the clue but it was something like Cockney workers places including East islands.
The workers places are " ant hills", but the setter reckons that Cockneys would say "ant 'ills".
And if you include E for East, you get Antill e s.
A group of islands...somewhere!
Sausages are the way to go!
I had my tea earlier.
I had spiced top side of beef slices and tatties.
And it was fine!
If you have washed your head you best not venture out.
Not good for your ailment.
5696 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd January 2016, 19:32
Hi, Rusty!
Ah yes, I see the parsing of "Antilles" now. But I would never have got that in a "month of Sundays"!
Now how did that idiom originate? I know it means an unspecified long time - but wherever did it come from?
We didn't have sausages in the end! My husband came down in favour of the chilli
Very good it was, too!.
So it will be sausages tomorrow!
Your spiced beef sounds tasty - but I thought you didn't like spicy food?
By the way, I gave up on the Latin crossword - far too high brow for me.
I enjoyed attempting that quiz, though!
5697 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd January 2016, 20:03
Hello, Elle.
I did not know it was spicy until I tasted it.
It was in a sealed packet from ASDA.
I am not a "label studier"!
i would buy another.
I like the quiz, too.
But my score is very poor doing it.
Sometimes I do not know what the questions mean.
Must be a lot of clever folk doing it?
No point in me attempting the Latin one.
Rose had a column in the paper today.
Nothing exciting in it.

5698 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd January 2016, 21:18
Hi, Rusty!
I have just been watching "The Voice".
Great show - I do enjoy it!
I am now recording "Casualty" to watch another time.
So, you see, you do like (at least some) spiced food!
It is just in your head that you don't like it!
Maybe see what you have been missing?
(I can always send you the recipe for stuffed peppers again!)
I thought that Rose always had a column in the Saturday paper - unless she was away like she told me that time?
Maybe we can think of something else controversial to write to her about?
Have you decided on a colour yet for your room?
5699 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd January 2016, 21:35
Hello, Elle!
Spiced food is fine on the odd occasion.
My painter phoned this morning.
He is starting on Tuesday, first thing.
No colour chosen yet.
I think we should leave Rose in peace for a wee while!
Today folk were writing in about the phrase "years of hurt", is "woful" a correct spelling, and kedgeree, and what is or is not a euphonium. Keeps Rose on her toes!
5700 of 30765  -   Report This Post