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23rd January 2016, 22:25
Hi, Rusty!
I was browsing through one or two of the recent threads, when I saw your answer "Orpington" - in this case relating to a chicken.
But did you know that the chicken takes its name from the town Orpington, which is relatively near me, in Kent?
Re Rose's column, I always thought the queried word was spelt "woEful"?
And I thought a euphonium was a brass instrument, something like a tuba?
Isn't it?
I am enjoying my Michael Connelly book - good relaxation!
5701 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd January 2016, 22:57
Hello, Elle!
I would just about barely know that Orpington was in Kent.
They seem to go together, in my head!
The debate was, can woeful be spelt woful?
Apparently it can according to Rose's research.
The euphonium one, if I remember was a photo of one in the quiz. Some folk wrote in to say it was not a euphonium.
Rose gets in some debates!
Did Michael Connelly write Jurassic Park or am I wrong again?
Or was that Michael Crichton?
Did you know about Joe Di Maggio putting flowers on Marilyn's grave?
5702 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd January 2016, 23:28
Hi, Rusty!
"Jurassic Park" was written by Michael Crichton, who is a science fiction writer.
I have read some of his books, although not "Jurassic Park".
The books vary in the degree of " science fiction" - I have enjoyed one or two of his books where the science fiction element is played down...
I am not keen on fantasies - I prefer my stories to be 'plausible'.
Michael Connelly is a crime fiction author, writing mainly detective novels. He does write an excellent story.
I don't think you would like the genre, but I enjoy reading his books.
Usually, the plots are very cleverly thought out.
I don't know a lot about Marilyn Munroe's history. I only heard about Joe DiMaggio putting flowers on her grave when you told me earlier today.
But haven't you read a book about DiMaggio? or am I confusing him with someone else?
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24th January 2016, 00:01
Hello, Elle!
I did wonder if I had the authors mixed up.
I know quite a bit about Joe, but not read a book on him.
Possibly I mentioned a book about Lou Gehrig.
They both played for the New York Yankees.
Lou's book was "The Luckiest Man" if I remember correctly.
It was excellent.
He was the Lou Gehrig the disease is named after, in the US.
In this country it is called Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.
Anyway, until he died, Joe had 6 red roses put on Marilyn's crypt, three times a week, for twenty years.
A nice story!
Is the pesky cough getting any better?
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24th January 2016, 10:01
Good morning, Elle!
Really dreich today!
I do not think I shall venture far.
Shall you get out walking or is the pesky cough still a hindrance?
I am going to watch a bit of sport on my TV and have a rake for a decent book to read and that shall be my day.

5705 of 30765  -   Report This Post


24th January 2016, 10:16
Good morning, Rusty!
Dreich here, too, unfortunately!
I was just logging in when your message came through!
I have to admit to only getting up about half an hour ago! I think this must be a record for me!
I had a reasonably good night and slept in this morning! so my cough is hopefully on the mend!
I had hoped to go for a short walk today - must get back into the swing of things! - but getting wet through doesn't seem an intelligent move.....?
We shall see how the day goes!
What sport do you have to watch this morning?
5706 of 30765  -   Report This Post


24th January 2016, 10:45
Hello, Elle!
Yes, you will be on the mend!
I hope to watch the women's Super-G from Cortina (can anybody beat Lindsey Vonn?) and I would like to see the golf from Abu Dhabi but I do not know where that is or if it is day or night there.
Later there is the racing from Leopardstown.
Faugheen is running there.
He is good!
5707 of 30765  -   Report This Post


24th January 2016, 11:17
Rusty, Elle, Pigale... anyone.

Here's one for the collection -
Sunday Times Cryptic, 18 Down.
One may be plucked by intellectual in Bow, say (7).

5708 of 30765  -   Report This Post


24th January 2016, 11:23
Hello, Malone!
I suspect Bow is in London?
Bow bells?
Think I have it!
5709 of 30765  -   Report This Post


24th January 2016, 11:31
Hi, Malone!
Yes, I've got it! quite a good clue!
5710 of 30765  -   Report This Post