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22nd January 2016, 23:28
Hello, Elle!
Yes, I shall pop over to ASDA before the downhill starts.
Unless Lindsey goes off course she will win.
She is really very special!
But at very short odds, so I will not bet.
Now, this friend who is sending the Latin crossword?
Why not ask if it is possible for her to sent the normal crossword, too?
I would like this mystery solved!
Well, I would not be going near a Burns supper, I can tell you that.
A dreary bard.
I have never thought much of any poetry, in fact.
Have you had haggis?
I like it. It would not be to everyone's taste though.
5671 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd January 2016, 00:23
Good morning , Rusty!
(However did it get to this time?)
Now about sending me the normal crossword.......
But even if I asked her to do that, we should be no nearer to solving the conundrum!
As I understand it, she will do a scan of the Latin crossword from her Saturday newspaper, whereas he takes a screen shot of the other crosswords from the "package" sent to his computer.
Not a comparable situation!
No, I think we are doomed never to know!
Yes, I love haggis - although the description of it is enough to put anyone off eating it, don't you think?
Innards of a sheep's lungs, liver and heart stuffed inside its stomach? it doesn't sound appetising - yet I find it delicious!
We used to be able to buy it from Sainsburys, around mid- January, but it hasn't been available from our local branch for a few years now.
Maybe I shall make some enquiries further afield.........
5672 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd January 2016, 09:53
Good morning, Elle!
Great day here!
Skiing has been stopped temporarily.
Too windy.
Tina Weirather was blown all over the course.
The big guns like Vonn have yet to race.
I do not understand "scans" and "screen shots", Elle.
I had a look at Times online today.
They offer 4 crosswords.
The main crossword. Concise crossword. Quick crossword, and the Latin crossword. sign of the Jumbo?
An enigma shrouded in mystery, is the Times!
Skiing has restarted.
Beautiful day at Cortina.
Lindsey Vonn goes in five minutes.
Best get ready to cheer her down the mountain!
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23rd January 2016, 10:46
Good morning, Rusty!
A lovely day here, too!
I don't know how warm it is, as I haven't yet been beyond the garden door.......but today there was no blast of icy cold air when I let the dog out earlier!
So what happens in the downhill skiing when a competitor is blown about the course, as happened with Tina Weirather, and then the skiing is temporarily stopped because of the weather conditions, as happened this morning?
Will Tina be able to repeat her run?
Now, I received three crosswords from John this morning; two Jumbos - GK and Cryptic - and the Times2 6930.
As you say, a mystery!
I've already done the Jumbo GK.
How is Lindsey Vonn doing?
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23rd January 2016, 10:56
Rusty, one for you from today's Jumbo Cryptic. (Elle will see it and answer it, I'm sure)...

1 D. Cockney workers' places covering eastern islands? (8)

5675 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd January 2016, 11:04
Hello Elle and Rusty,

Much warmer today - + 7 C, dry but not sunny yet.

Re. The Times crosswords on line ; my British friends own a house almost across the road from me. They subscribe to have The Times on line because it would be very costly to buy the paper everyday here, and also difficult since it is not available in the paper shop except in Summer for tourists.

They only want to do the crosswords and can print the Concise, Mephisto, GKs and 15x15. ~For some unknown reason they can only
do the quick crossword on line but cannot print it.

The Latin crossword has also been available ever since it has started but, again for reasons known only by The Times, it does not appear at all today.

If I can find out how to 'screen shot', I don't mind sending it on to you Elle.
5676 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd January 2016, 11:17
Good morning, Pigale!
There certainly does seem to be some mystery about these Times crosswords - online appearance versus newspaper!
I have received the usual Saturday Jumbos, plus the Times 2, via screen shots from my friend,
And another friend has very kindly sent me the Latin xword, scanned from today's newspaper!
So it is in the paper, but not online.......?
Thank you for your kind offer but I am already amply supplied with puzzles!
5677 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd January 2016, 13:11
Helli, Elle!
Lindsey Vonn has won, and in doing so established the new record of 37 downhill wins.
One more than the great Annemarie Moser-Proel who raced in the Eighties.
Larisa Yurkiw of Canada was second and Lara Gut third.
It is tough luck with the wind.
Mountains are windy places, anyway.
I suppose it is similar to golf where competitors can have varying conditions throughout the day, and when the tide turns.
How is your ailment getting on?

Hello, Pigale,
The Latin crossword is in my online Times today, but not for printing! The Times do not make things easy!
The Guardian crossword site is much more user friendly!

Malone, I will give that clue a bit of thought.
It certainly is not jumping out at me!
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23rd January 2016, 14:38
Hi, Rusty!
Lindsey did very well in establishing a new record. I am glad you had an enjoyable morning watching it!
Yes, I suppose the weather conditions there are a bit like the wind variations in Athletics. Some competitors are penalised through the order in which they are to jump/vault/ run/whatever, if the wind is against them, whereas others benefit by a lull in wind whilst they are competing. It's never an even competition in that respect.
I've had an attempt at that Latin crossword - I might have stood a chance had it been "straightforward" but it says that some of the clues will be "slightly cryptic"! They are hard enough in English, never mind Latin!
My friend also sent me the Times Saturday Quiz - 20 questions.
Is the same one that you have been doing weekdays - of which you've sent me examples?
Out of the 20, I've managed only 5! I'm assuming you have the paper , so I'll just give you the numbers of those I have answered...2, 3, 10, 12 and 19.
I'm reasonably confident about the last four , not too sure about no 2?
I've put Bordino?; Dorothy Hodgkin; Henry Fonda; Daniel ; and Linford Christie.
I shall check them out later.
I didn't manage to answer many, did I?
I'm still coughing, but I imagine it will take while to clear. Thanks for asking!
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23rd January 2016, 15:00
Hello, Elle!
Well done with the quiz!
That is a good score!
I got one, Arthur Miller and Marilyn Monroe.
Yes, that is the quiz I have a pop at every day but only 15 questions during the week.
And....the answers are on page 77, it stated...only they weren't.
They are on page 73 in my Times!
Do you know Malone's islands? I do not.
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