Hi, Rusty!
Lindsey did very well in establishing a new record. I am glad you had an enjoyable morning watching it!
Yes, I suppose the weather conditions there are a bit like the wind variations in Athletics. Some competitors are penalised through the order in which they are to jump/vault/ run/whatever, if the wind is against them, whereas others benefit by a lull in wind whilst they are competing. It's never an even competition in that respect.
I've had an attempt at that Latin crossword - I might have stood a chance had it been "straightforward" but it says that some of the clues will be "slightly cryptic"! They are hard enough in English, never mind Latin!
My friend also sent me the Times Saturday Quiz - 20 questions.
Is the same one that you have been doing weekdays - of which you've sent me examples?
Out of the 20, I've managed only 5! I'm assuming you have the paper , so I'll just give you the numbers of those I have answered...2, 3, 10, 12 and 19.
I'm reasonably confident about the last four , not too sure about no 2?
I've put Bordino?; Dorothy Hodgkin; Henry Fonda; Daniel ; and Linford Christie.
I shall check them out later.
I didn't manage to answer many, did I?
I'm still coughing, but I imagine it will take while to clear. Thanks for asking!