Hi, Rusty!
I guess you could say that I am coughing heartily! There is very little change as yet, I'm afraid, but it will take a while for the antibiotics to kick in.
I'm looking on the bright side.......at least today I am no worse....!
Thank you for asking.
My word, those quiz questions are HARD!
I can do ONE!
No 7. Which tarsal bone in the ankle derives its name from the Latin for "little ship"?
This will be the navicular bone - "navicula" in Latin means "boat".
But I could only do yesterday's question that you sent me because of my profession - and today's partly from the same reason, and partly because Latin was my favourite subject at school!
I do not have the "General knowledge" needed to answer any of the others!
(I am assuming that you are not allowed to look up any reference books?)
You are starting to do your own crossword earlier! ( and you couldn't be any earlier than midnight!)
What happened to keeping it for your "teatime treat"?
Regarding the Guardian crosswords.......my printer also has chosen this last half hour to go on the blink- it's printing in pale orange (why?) and so faintly that I cannot read anything!
Mind you, I could do the Guardian crossword online.......
Hello, Pigale!
Yes, thank you, I did sleep a little better - "not a lot", as Paul Daniels would say!
But I'm popping the pills and hoping for the best!
I do quite often do the Guardian crosswords, but I don't like them as much as I do the Times ones! - my brain isn't allied to those of their setters!
Yes, I should go with "Edinburgh rock" - it was what I first thought of! (I don't like it, though, far too sweet!)