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22nd January 2016, 11:58
Hi, Rusty!
I guess you could say that I am coughing heartily! There is very little change as yet, I'm afraid, but it will take a while for the antibiotics to kick in.
I'm looking on the bright least today I am no worse....!
Thank you for asking.
My word, those quiz questions are HARD!
I can do ONE!
No 7. Which tarsal bone in the ankle derives its name from the Latin for "little ship"?
This will be the navicular bone - "navicula" in Latin means "boat".
But I could only do yesterday's question that you sent me because of my profession - and today's partly from the same reason, and partly because Latin was my favourite subject at school!
I do not have the "General knowledge" needed to answer any of the others!
(I am assuming that you are not allowed to look up any reference books?)
You are starting to do your own crossword earlier! ( and you couldn't be any earlier than midnight!)
What happened to keeping it for your "teatime treat"?
Regarding the Guardian printer also has chosen this last half hour to go on the blink- it's printing in pale orange (why?) and so faintly that I cannot read anything!
Mind you, I could do the Guardian crossword online.......

Hello, Pigale!
Yes, thank you, I did sleep a little better - "not a lot", as Paul Daniels would say!
But I'm popping the pills and hoping for the best!
I do quite often do the Guardian crosswords, but I don't like them as much as I do the Times ones! - my brain isn't allied to those of their setters!
Yes, I should go with "Edinburgh rock" - it was what I first thought of! (I don't like it, though, far too sweet!)
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22nd January 2016, 12:09
Hello, Elle!
I prefer the Times crosswords, too.
No, the quiz is part of the puzzle page, just a bit of fun.
The Times were doing a Latin crossword, too.
That would suit you?
I do not see it today, though.
Maybe just a Saturday thing.
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22nd January 2016, 12:15
Elle, the Latin crossword appears in The Times on Saturdays.
Why not ask your friend to send it, and see what you make of it?
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22nd January 2016, 13:07
Hi, Rusty!
The Latin crossword certainly sounds interesting, altho' you have to remember it is many moons ago since I last studied the subject!
But my friend's "package", as he calls, it seems to preclude his sending certain you know, he says he cannot send the daily 15 x15 Times Cryptic as THAT isn't in the "package".
I still cannot fathom this "package" deal?
He sends the Times2 and the QC on weekdays, and both Jumbos - the Cryptic and the GK - on Saturdays.
Frankly, I do not understand how this works, but cannot ask for anything else as he is kind to do what he does.
But next time I buy a paper, I shall look out for the Latin crossword!
Raining heavily here still!
Have you ventured out?
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22nd January 2016, 13:43
Elle- my printer runs prints an odd colour when the ink has nearly run out- the colours, that is. But I'm sure you thought of that!
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22nd January 2016, 13:52
Hello, Elle!
I do not understand your friend's package either.
There are several.
Mine is the 6 day pack. Monday to Saturday inc.
This costs £5. I pay by Direct Debit.
And they take PayPal!
For my £5 I get six days papers and access to their website.
And membership of Times 2, which I am not interested in.
If I did not have this and paid daily, it would cost £7.50.
It suits me.
All this aside, it is helluva good of your friend to send you the crosswords that he does, though I am puzzled as to why the main crossword cannot be sent?
Why not buy tomorrows Times and try the Latin one?
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22nd January 2016, 13:59
Ros, the inks have been recently changed! And it was printing fine yesterday. The goblins have been at it overnight!
Husband is currently investigating!
At least, he's all now in disarray.....and he has disappeared......
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22nd January 2016, 14:16
I had same ink problem.
i cleaned the printhead and all was good
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22nd January 2016, 14:51
Hi, Rusty!
I've only just been able to regain access to the desk top , as my husband has been working on the printer (situated underneath the desk) but has now carried it away, under his arm, into the dining room - out of my way, and to "sort it out" so he says!
(Hudl's battery is flat - I'm just recharging it)
Your package deal sounds a good one! I don't know what John's comprises, other than it is sent to his ipad? Is that yet another different thing?
But I've asked him several times for the main 15 x 15 xword and he says he doesn't have it.
I might buy the paper tomorrow - you have stimulated my curiosity now - although I'm more likely to wait until I need to do so when my friend is next on holiday!
I don't think this rain will ever stop! Time the dog paid a trip out into the garden - she isn't going to care about a drop of rain!
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22nd January 2016, 14:58
Hi, Eirlys!
I mentioned cleaning the printhead to my husband - I haven't clue how the wretched thing works.
I think what I got might be classified as a "snort" (if I actually knew what one sounded like!)
He tells me that of course he did that when he changed the ink!
He's in the dining room now, "dealing" with the problem!
Hey ho!
5660 of 30765  -   Report This Post