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22nd January 2016, 15:04
Hi elle
One clean of the printhead usually clears the problem
Sometimes it may need a few repeat cleans

5661 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd January 2016, 15:42
Hello, Elle!
Great day up here.
Not a cloud in the sky and not cold, too!
I have had a wee look at the Times packages.
There are 8 different ones.
But I have not a Scooby why John cannot send the main crossword.
There are two interesting packs.
A 12 week digital pack (no paper) trial for £12.
And a student digital pack at £20 for a year.
Digital only packs are available.
Or paper plus digital pack (like mine)
Also you get membership of Times +.
Times + would suit folk like you in the London area.
Special offers for all sorts of exhibitions etc
Free ebooks etc.
Worth having a look at?
5662 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd January 2016, 17:57
Hi, Rusty!
You have been very lucky to have such a nice day! Still dreich here!
It is very good of you to look up the Times packages. Where are these "packages" sent? To a desk top for instance, or only to a tablet / phone /?
But the reason we don't buy a daily paper is because we never have the time to read it!
I have a quick catch up with the News on the computer in the morning, and then watch the ten o'clock news on the television at night.
I also get BBC newsflashes sent to my computer as and when something happens.
And of course we buy the Sunday Times, of which there is so much that it takes most of the following week to read!
Free e-books certainly would be an enticement if I liked reading books digitally - but I don't!
I like the feel of a "proper" book in my hand!
But we still haven't solved the mystery of why my friend says he doesn't "get" the Times Cryptic, have we?
5663 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd January 2016, 18:15
Hello, Elle!
A mystery indeed.
It just possibly "may" be that there is some sort of block on it, as the wifi, or web, or whatever, knows that you have not paid for it, and cannot download it.
That rings a wee bell in my head.
But, I am certain your friend must get it.
Why not ask him again?
You are not backward at coming forward!
The Times digital paper comes to my laptop, Chromebook, Hudl, and smartphone.
5664 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd January 2016, 20:09
Hi, Rusty!
No, I don't think that can be the might be the case if my friend have said that he had SENT the Times Cryptic and it was I who hadn't RECEIVED it.....but he is the one who says that HE doesn't GET it in the first place........
If all that makes sense to you?
I cannot ask him about it yet again, Rusty, I have done so, so many times already! and it is so nice of him to send me what he does!
No matter.......I shall survive without it!
And I have my crossword book's arrival to look forward to, don't forget!
Maybe it will come tomorrow!

5665 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd January 2016, 20:41
Hello, Elle!
Not many posts on the forum today?
There is no earthly reason for your friend not to get the crossword. Everyone else gets it.
Maybe he does not know where to find it?
The Times would not send out a copy of their paper without the crossword. It is a significant part of the paper and a daily ritual for many of us.
I rest my case.
It is a bit less cold up here today!
5666 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd January 2016, 21:04
Hi, Rusty!
Last word on the subject and then I won't mention it again.......ever...... I promise!
He doesn't get the "paper" - he gets some sort of digital deal sent to his ipad, that he SAYS doesn't include the main crossword!
I know it doesn't make sense, you know it doesn't make sense - but there we are!
We may never find out!
Now.......what do you have planned for tomorrow?
I suppose you will have to clear out your bedroom at some stage over the weekend? Will the painter require it completely cleared of furniture, or will he be able to work around things?
It's finally stopped raining! and definitely a bit milder!
5667 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd January 2016, 21:48
Hello, Elle?
Not any plans for tomorrow.
Alpine skiing at 9.15 on my TV.
Lindsey Vonn looks the biz in the downhill.
No idea after that.
The painter could probably work around things but I shall empty the room. I'd rather help than hinder.
I shall be the coffee maker.
His first task is to strip the walls and ceiling.
This Adblock Browser is slow.
I think I shall bin it and try another.
Are you buying The Times tomorrow, pesky cough permitting?
5668 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd January 2016, 22:45
Hi, Rusty!
So will you go out early for your paper, so as to be back in time for the start of the skiing?
Any bets for tomorrow? Do you think that Lindsey Vonn will win, then?
I don't think that there will be a need for me to buy a paper tomorrow.......
Our printer is back in action - don't ask...I didn't! but it is now I shall be able to print off the Jumbos, and a friend has offered to scan the Latin crossword and send me a copy. Isn't that kind of her?
I am quite sure that I won't be able to do any of it! but I'm interested at least to take a look.......and have an attempt!
I've just had the strangest email from 'VisitScotland' - "How to Host a Burns Supper and Catch a Haggis"
The latter was a video, but it never actually said how one caught the haggis!
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22nd January 2016, 22:49
P.S. I should have explained showed these mythical creatures (Haggis scoticus) romping around a field - but never showed any one trying to catch one!
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