Hi, Rusty!
You have been very lucky to have such a nice day! Still dreich here!
It is very good of you to look up the Times packages. Where are these "packages" sent? To a desk top for instance, or only to a tablet / phone /?
But the reason we don't buy a daily paper is because we never have the time to read it!
I have a quick catch up with the News on the computer in the morning, and then watch the ten o'clock news on the television at night.
I also get BBC newsflashes sent to my computer as and when something happens.
And of course we buy the Sunday Times, of which there is so much that it takes most of the following week to read!
Free e-books certainly would be an enticement if I liked reading books digitally - but I don't!
I like the feel of a "proper" book in my hand!
But we still haven't solved the mystery of why my friend says he doesn't "get" the Times Cryptic, have we?