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20th January 2016, 22:53
Hello, Elle,
Yes, Times Cryptics are what you call 15x15.
No, eBay is perfectly safe and so is PayPal.
The vast majority of folk on eBay use PayPal.
It is much easier and most sellers prefer, if not, insist, on it.
I think eBay owns PayPal, or did.
The "used" crossword books are a bit of a mystery, aren't they!
5621 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th January 2016, 23:17
Hi, Rusty!
Thank you so much for sussing that out for me.......I shall order a book tomorrow.
Going to make a drink now , then go to bed.......
5622 of 30765  -   Report This Post


21st January 2016, 12:04
Good day, Elle!
Cold and dry here.
How are you and your pesky cough getting on?
And your husband?
Did you purchase a crossword book yet?
If it was me buying, I would go for the cheaper ones on eBay, but I have noticed some sellers insisting on payment by PayPal. I always use PayPal if I can.
I find it much easier.
Miss La Bamba gets her Uni timetable today. Then she will see if she can squeeze me and a bacon roll in somewhere!
Great to be young!
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21st January 2016, 12:19
Hello Rusty !

How are you today ? Great day here; heavy white frost until 10.30am, but blue sky and brilliant sunshine now - temps + 3 C.
Perfectly seasonal and healthy weather; it is January after all !

Are you going for a nice walk later ?

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21st January 2016, 12:36
Hello, Pigale!
Lucky you, with the weather!
It is dull and dry here. 3C.
Some sunshine would be nice.
Temp is meant to rise to 9 or 10 C from tomorrow and for the weekend.
No walk today.
I am on standby to possibly take my son to the garage.
His Jeep is in being fixed.
Do you meet your friends in the village today?
I am having a mutton pie for lunch.
Thankfully it tastes better than it sounds!
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21st January 2016, 13:32
Hi, Rusty!
A dank start to the day here, but the sun is out now, although it is still very cold.
I and my pesky cough are doing fine, thank you! We both, and my husband, all went to the doctors this morning!
I did a deal with my husband that if he would go and get his Blood Pressure tablets sorted out, I would see the GP about my cough! I believe they call it "bribery and corruption"? or some such?
A successful visit........he is now prescribed a new ACE inhibitor, and I have some antibiotics to take!
Yes, thanks to your assistance, I have now ordered a Times Cryptic Crossword book - and yes, from ebay. It cost me £3-55 with free postage.
A good deal, eh?
I hope Miss L- B is in touch soon with a date for a bacon roll!
I am now away to the chemist to pick up our medications. It is only ten minutes walk .
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21st January 2016, 14:47
Hello, Elle!
That's good you both saw the GEEP.
Onward and upward now!
Did you manage to pay for your crossword book successfully?
Seems a good price, too. World of Books?
Each day before I put Times 2 through my neighbours letter box, I always attempt the Quiz.
15 questions. My target each day is to get 4 correct.
Usually manage 2 or 3 correct from 15.
If I get 4 I am chuffed. Do not think I have ever got 5.
Anyway, this is question 2 today.
"Produced by cells exposed to the action of a virus, interferons belong to which class of immunoregulatory proteins?"
No wonder I struggle!
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21st January 2016, 15:26
Good afternoon, Rusty!
Well, I didn't open an account with Paypal, I paid for the book with my Barclaycard, yet I received a receipt later, thanking me for paying by Paypal!
I'm confused........?
But anyway, they tell me the book is on its way!
Oh and yes, from World of Books! Where would we be without that?!
It's funny you should cite that particular example from the Times Quiz! Because, of course, I could answer it!
(It's a long time since I did any Biochemistry, but there are still remnants of knowledge hanging around!)
Had you asked me any other question , I would no doubt have been completely stuck!
If you manage to answer four questions of that calibre, then I think you are doing very well. I couldn't do it!
I enjoyed the short walks today.....first to the GP this morning, then up to the chemist this afternoon. I've been going stir crazy indoors.
I do have a problem taking antibiotics, which is why I've delayed going to see the doctor. Let's hope, though, that this latest batch of tablets do the trick.
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21st January 2016, 16:24
Hello, Elle!
That is my driving duties done for the day!
Odd about the PayPal thank you?
I like being with PayPal, it makes things easier.
You won't go wrong with an item from World of Books!
They are my favourite book store.
Let us hope that the medications benefit you and your husband. I am sure they shall.
The Times Daily Quiz is a toughie, alright!
4 correct out of 15 does not sound very ambitious, but it is a good score for me. I think I had 3 correct today.
Raining here. This will be the start of the warmer spell.
My friends in Norn Iron have 9 C !
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21st January 2016, 17:29
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, very odd about the PayPal, but I went through all the security rigmarole with my card, so I'm presuming it is ok.
I had to go through the paying procedure as a "guest", as I didn't want to open a PayPal account - maybe the payment went through PayPal anyway, even though it didn't actually say so?
As I've never used this PayPal facility, I have no idea how it works?
Does that sound feasible?
I have finished reading my "Duncton Wood" book. I think I judged it a little too early......I have actually quite enjoyed it once I got into it.
It is the first of a series of four (I think), but regrettably I didn't enjoy it enough to follow through and read the sequels.
Now..... I've just got some ointment as I have conjunctivitis in my left eye........I was reading the instructions on how to use it........
1. Wash your hands
2. Remove the cap.
Now why didn't I think of that...........
5630 of 30765  -   Report This Post