Good afternoon, Rusty!
Well, I didn't open an account with Paypal, I paid for the book with my Barclaycard, yet I received a receipt later, thanking me for paying by Paypal!
I'm confused........?
But anyway, they tell me the book is on its way!
Oh and yes, from World of Books! Where would we be without that?!
It's funny you should cite that particular example from the Times Quiz! Because, of course, I could answer it!
(It's a long time since I did any Biochemistry, but there are still remnants of knowledge hanging around!)
Had you asked me any other question , I would no doubt have been completely stuck!
If you manage to answer four questions of that calibre, then I think you are doing very well. I couldn't do it!
I enjoyed the short walks today.....first to the GP this morning, then up to the chemist this afternoon. I've been going stir crazy indoors.
I do have a problem taking antibiotics, which is why I've delayed going to see the doctor. Let's hope, though, that this latest batch of tablets do the trick.