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20th January 2016, 17:03
Hi again Elle,

I know you do not wish to upset anyone by saying anything when you are angry, but quite frankly I personally think it may be a good idea if you did endorse the Hospital Doctor's comments when you next see him - if only to protect other patients from this rather incompetent half-time Dr.

BTW my cough is nothing like yours - at least I assume not - I do have a slight sore throat and only take that syrup as a preventive
measure; but I am sure I am not feeling as bad as you are.
5611 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th January 2016, 17:05
PS - I mean when you next see your own Doctor !
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20th January 2016, 18:15
Good evening, Rusty!
You have quite a big medical practice! We have two 'regular' doctors - a husband and wife team - and sometimes one /two part timers. The latter can vary.
I love the idea of a "good dram" before bed!
(Did the "cure " work psychologically? I'm sure that it did!)
Btw, yes, mandolin'. Is it cockneys who drop their 'g's from the end of words - or just Southerners? I am forever correcting the two elder grandsons for this! I think they picked it up from nursery and / or school, because none of the family speak like that!
Have you had your tea? I'm behind times today and haven't even thought about what we shall eat.... I am heading for the kitchen right now to organise something......
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20th January 2016, 18:43
Hello, Elle!
I had a haddock for my tea.
Yes, it is a large practice and it wins awards for the standards it achieves etc. We have 8 GEEPS, 5/6 nurses, and excellent reception staff. My son and partner recently joined the practice when they moved to Dundee and they are full of praise for it, especially comparing it to their previous one in Fife.
There are super paintings all over the wating rooms and corridors. I think they are by local artists or maybe students from the Art College, and they are all for sale. There are new ones added regularly.
I think it is a smashing idea.
The dram worked. That was the only doc who ever encouraged me to drink!
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20th January 2016, 19:51
Hi, Rusty!
I like haddock! As a youngster, I always thought that I didn't like fish because I was always given it coated in batter! It turned out that it was the batter I didn't like!
But I am allergic to some fish - I cannot eat tuna or salmon or any shellfish, without coming out in a rash! I love haddock and trout though!
Your GP practice sounds State of the Art. I'm gathering that it was purpose - built?
Whereas ours is an old (extremely large) semi - detached house, converted for the purpose, and spread over two floors. Four surgery consulting rooms, two waiting rooms , and a room for the practice nurse.
No corridors though, only a hall downstairs and a landing upstairs.
And certainly no paintings at which to look!
Not in the same class as yours! although until now, we have had no cause whatsoever for complaint with either treatment or support.
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20th January 2016, 20:38
Hello, Elle!
Yes, it is a modern practice.
It is twinned with another one in Malawi, but I have no idea how that works.
The paintings are super.
I have sat trying to identify the landscape ones.
Many local ones. Keeps your mind off your ailment!
And we get regular newsletters to keep us in the picture.
Trout and haddock are my favourites, too.
I got a "phishing" email from eBay earlier.
So, I changed some passwords and secret questions and sent the email to
Some rascals going about!
5616 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th January 2016, 21:46
Hi, Rusty!
I have been looking on Amazon at Times Cryptic crossword books.
I am not interested in the Jumbo ones but would like either the 15 x 15 or the Times QC xwords. It isn't obvious though what one would be buying? although as far as I can recall from looking in bookshops, I'm not sure that there are books of the QC crosswords?
Another thing that puzzles me is that there are "used" offers? But surely these would have the answers filled in? and if so, what use would they be to a buyer?
I'm puzzled!
Have you ever bought any "used " crossword books yourself?
I can of course afford to buy "new" ones anyway, but I'm just curious about this?
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20th January 2016, 21:54
Hello, Elle!
I have only bought them in bookshops (long before I had a computer and when I assumed Amazon to be a river).
The crossword I do each day is The Times Crossword and I imagine that is what you are seeing for sale.
I have no idea about "used" ones. Does seem odd?
I'll have a wee squiz to see what is on Amazon.
5618 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th January 2016, 22:05
Hello, Elle!
These are The Times Cryptic Crossword books you see.
Same as in the paper.
There is also quite a selection on eBay, quite a bit cheaper.
Have a look?
5619 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th January 2016, 22:35
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, thank you, I've had a look....
So the ones just entitled "Times Cryptic Crosswords" are the 15 x 15ones that you yourself do every day?
These will do nicely - I like these although I only get chance to do them when I actually buy the paper, as my friend doesn't send me these.
They do seem to be cheaper on ebay - is there any nasty snag with payment on ebay? I don't usually buy from there? I use my Barclaycard for payment online, as it's safer. I don't do Paypal for instance or whatever it is called? (I'm a dinosaur!)
Thank you so much for your help!

P.S. Did you see what I mean about "used "ones being advertised? Strange or what?
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