Hi, Rusty!
I am glad that you are happy with your new blinds? did you decide whether they would replace curtains, or are they to be additional?
" A one woman health hazard" indeed! and here am I patiently incarcerated indoors - well away from anyone - so that I might not pass on my contagion!
I have cancelled all my social engagements for the week! - visit to daughter at the w/e, hairdressers yesterday , "Ladies who Lunch" tomorrow, etc., etc., ......
Admittedly, however, this in not wholly an altruistic move......I also do not feel up to doing anything! ( but that is besides the point!)
Now, seriously though........thank you for enquiring about my husband. Actually , he isn't feeling too great - what happened on Monday was a big scare for him and has really shaken him up - I'm still feeling very worried about him.
His facial swelling is lessening somewhat now with the treatment of antihistamines, but will probably take a few days before it finally goes back to normal.
But all this has had a bad personal effect. We were both so scared, I supposed this is an inevitable backlash reaction?
Hello, Pigale!
I'm sorry to hear that you , to, are suffering from a cough. I wouldn't wish this particular bug on anyone! it is certainly debilitating.
It would help were I able to take antibiotics, but for me the cure is generally worse that the illness!
I hope you feel better soon!