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20th January 2016, 10:59
Sorry, should read ' will kill all bacteria.....'
5601 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th January 2016, 11:04
Hello, Elle!
Yes, my blinds man has been and gone.
Roller blinds in bedroom.
They look well, and the fitter was a very nice young lad.
He got two teeth filled yesterday.
The painter is coming in February (no, I do not know when either!)
That is good that doggie got her walk!
I shall look at crossword later. I have car door locks to give a scoot of WD40 to!
How is your husband doing now?
5602 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th January 2016, 11:08
Good morning, Pigale!
Yes, Elle appears to be a one woman health hazard!
Roll on the weekend until the temperature rises a bit!
5603 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th January 2016, 11:28
Good Morning Rusty,

Yes, I too look forward to some warmer temperatures, even though minus 5 (or even 10 some years) is not unusual here at this time of the year , and is probably a good thing for Nature.

It would be OK if only we could stick to one kind of weather for more than a few days though. Tonight we should have at most minus 5C, and in two days time, it should be 12C and sunshine ! Mad!
5604 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th January 2016, 13:15
Hi, Rusty!
I am glad that you are happy with your new blinds? did you decide whether they would replace curtains, or are they to be additional?
" A one woman health hazard" indeed! and here am I patiently incarcerated indoors - well away from anyone - so that I might not pass on my contagion!
I have cancelled all my social engagements for the week! - visit to daughter at the w/e, hairdressers yesterday , "Ladies who Lunch" tomorrow, etc., etc., ......
Admittedly, however, this in not wholly an altruistic move......I also do not feel up to doing anything! ( but that is besides the point!)
Now, seriously though........thank you for enquiring about my husband. Actually , he isn't feeling too great - what happened on Monday was a big scare for him and has really shaken him up - I'm still feeling very worried about him.
His facial swelling is lessening somewhat now with the treatment of antihistamines, but will probably take a few days before it finally goes back to normal.
But all this has had a bad personal effect. We were both so scared, I supposed this is an inevitable backlash reaction?

Hello, Pigale!
I'm sorry to hear that you , to, are suffering from a cough. I wouldn't wish this particular bug on anyone! it is certainly debilitating.
It would help were I able to take antibiotics, but for me the cure is generally worse that the illness!
I hope you feel better soon!
5605 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th January 2016, 14:12
Hello, Elle!
Blinds replaced other blinds.
Yes, your husbands ailment must have been traumatic for you both. As time passes it should recede from your memories, I would think.
Having a word with your doctor might be an idea?
You are best away from the Ladies who Lunch for this week.
The two of you taking it easy for a day or two will benefit you?
5606 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th January 2016, 15:31
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, I have been considering having a word with our own GP, but in the interests of future peace, and social relations, it might be as well if I refrain!
I cannot at this moment think of anything good to say!
( You know me when I get on the warpath! )
Now......I have just learned something new!
I was browsing through the threads ( yes, I 'm bored! I'm not used to being so inactive! I normally get a lot of fresh air and exercise) and I found your reference to the "Great Wen" on the DM thread.
I did not know that this is apparently a disparaging nickname for London?
However did you know that?
So I have been doing some research.....
A 'wen' is a type of benign tumour most commonly found on the scalp.
In the 18th century, it came to refer to the cities, London especially, that had grown huge after industrialisation.
In the 1850s, it started to refer specifically to London.
Well done, you!
5607 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th January 2016, 15:51
Hello, Elle!
Yes, "Yayy" for me!
I came across the Great Wen reference years ago, long before I ever had a 'puter. Do not recall when or how, though, but it was around twenty years ago.
Elle, if you want to know any more about London, just ask.
I am becoming an expert now, what with these setters and all!
You do not have to stay with your "own" GP.
You can go to whoever you please in the practice. (At least, in Scotland you can). My choice is the newest qualified, in the "belief" that they are more in tune with the latest "goings-on" in medicine.
5608 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th January 2016, 16:33
Hi, Rusty!
The custom at our medical practice used to be that you registered with a specific GP. If he /she were available when you made an appointment, then you saw the doctor of your choice.
But if you were going as an emergency, then you saw whomever was available.
(As happened to my husband on Monday - he saw a part-time doctor with the practice).
I don't know if the registration process has since changed, because it isn't relevant to us as we have been with this practice for very many years!
But please let me stress here that we have no fault to find whatsoever with our "own " GP!
He is very competent and we have no reason to mistrust him.
My complaint is about the doctor who actually referred my husband to the A&E , in such a way as to frighten him to death!
And which shouldn't even have happened at all, according to the A&E doctor!
He has written a letter to "our" GP to apprise him of this fact.
I'm wondering whether to endorse this.
But I have calmed down now........whatever I decide will be done calmly and with great forethought!
No "Londonisms " in your crossword today?
There was a clue in the Times QC where the 'g 'was missing from the end of the word, rather than an "h" from the front!
Chap handin' out instrument (8)
5609 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th January 2016, 16:43
Hello, Elle!
Man dolin'?
At my docs there are eight of them, 5 men and three lady doctors. If I phone up I can get any doc I ask for.
Years ago my doc was "old school" and I remember one time I was "dying" with a cold/fluey sort of thing.
And we had a wee chat about it and the end result was he advised me to have a good dram when I went to bed for the night. His thinking was, it won't help the ailment but will certainly cheer you up!
That was back in the good old days!
5610 of 30765  -   Report This Post