Hi Elle
First of all, sorry for your husband's incident, but trust that all is now well. Just in case he was using a cough/cold medication, this is interesting info.
If not, then apologies, but others may find it useful,
Many cough and cold medications contain NSAIDs to relieve pain. NSAIDs may increase blood pressure.
Cough and cold medications also frequently contain decongestants.
Decongestants can make blood pressure worse in two ways:
Decongestants may make your blood pressure and heart rate rise.
Decongestants may prevent your blood pressure medication from working properly.
Pseudoephedrine (Sudafed) is a specific decongestant that can increase blood pressure.
What can you do? Avoid using cough and cold medicine that contains NSAIDs or decongestants, especially pseudoephedrine. Ask your doctor for suggestions about other ways to ease congestion symptoms, such as antihistamines or nasal sprays.