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18th January 2016, 20:17
A bit of a shock and a troubling day, elle - I'm glad that the upshot wasn't more serious.
5571 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th January 2016, 21:13
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, it was a very worrying and upsetting day, but the outcome was good, which is all that matters.
And it is a good thing that the problem of the specific medication which caused the allergy has been brought to the fore.
Twice this has happened now, and the hospital doctor said that a third time could have had much more serious repercussions.
So even though we suffered a lot of worry, it has had a positive outcome!
Tomorrow, I shall see that my husband makes an appointment with the GP to have his BP meds reviewed!
Frightening though, isn't it? Life seems to be on an even keel, and you never know what will hit you from where......

Hello, Chris!
Thanks for your concern. You cannot imagine what has gone through my head between 11.15 this morning and teatime today!
I'm just glad that he is ok!
5572 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th January 2016, 21:20
Hello, Elle!
I think there is quite a bit of medication clashes etc that we do not hear about. Until something goes wrong.
A good idea for your husband to get GEEP to review his medications.
Yes, life can go awry at times.
Glad all is well though.
Now, why is your weather colder than mine?
Usually the other way round!
5573 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th January 2016, 22:20
Hi, Rusty!
Tomorrow is meant to be even colder than today! I think we are meant to have minus 2 early tomorrow morning!
I have arranged though for a friend to come and collect the dog tomorrow and take her out. My cough isn't doing well and I don't feel like braving those low temperatures .
I am supposed to go for a hair trim later in the morning.......I shall decide tomorrow about that.
Yes, it is unusual for your weather to be warmer than ours - what has your temp been today? and what are you expecting tomorrow?
The worst problem we are facing weather wise is the icy condition on the ground. Very treacherous under foot!
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18th January 2016, 22:33
Hello, Elle!
We are getting a dry day tomorrow with temp of 2C.
Think you are similar.
Norn Iron is getting 5C!
Cold air will irritate your cough.
Was slippy underfoot this morning.
But we are getting through January!
5575 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th January 2016, 22:49
On the shelves of the local hospital library, there used to be a large book called "Iatrogenic Disease".

Iatrogenic = "doctor-induced"

Those of us who don't need drugs of any kind are the lucky ones.
5576 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th January 2016, 09:17
The doctors guiding mantra is "Do No Harm".
Many folk are on several different medications for different conditions.
There will be medication clashes.
I think it may be more common than we realise.
5577 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th January 2016, 09:23
Hi Elle
First of all, sorry for your husband's incident, but trust that all is now well. Just in case he was using a cough/cold medication, this is interesting info.
If not, then apologies, but others may find it useful,

Many cough and cold medications contain NSAIDs to relieve pain. NSAIDs may increase blood pressure.
Cough and cold medications also frequently contain decongestants.
Decongestants can make blood pressure worse in two ways:
Decongestants may make your blood pressure and heart rate rise.
Decongestants may prevent your blood pressure medication from working properly.
Pseudoephedrine (Sudafed) is a specific decongestant that can increase blood pressure.

What can you do? Avoid using cough and cold medicine that contains NSAIDs or decongestants, especially pseudoephedrine. Ask your doctor for suggestions about other ways to ease congestion symptoms, such as antihistamines or nasal sprays.
5578 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th January 2016, 09:30
Hello, Eirlys,
That is a very informatve post.
I have always found that my pharmacist is very knowledgeable and helpful.
There must be thousands of medications out there.
I do not wonder that there can be clashes, at times.
5579 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th January 2016, 09:43
Hi, Eirlys!
Thank you for the information. I am sure that many people will be glad to know about that.
In my husband's case, it isn't relevant. It was one of his regular blood pressure tablets that caused the allergy reaction.
This has happened once before , but the reason wasn't picked up on that occasion.
The GP didn't now about the possible side effects of that particular drug - nor did we. The hospital doctor fortunately did!
So my husband needs to stop taking it immediately and be given a safe alternative.
Luckily, all ended well
Thank you for your concern
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