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17th January 2016, 09:12
Which Everyman clue, elle? We've a couple of inches of snow, so golf was off this morning - I did the crossword instead.
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17th January 2016, 09:24
Morning, Chris!
Yes, we've had some snow too, but it didn't stick on the ground.

I think I've got it.....
I'll tell you what I think - you can tell me if it's correct but PLEASE do NOT give me the answer if I'm wrong - I can play with this all day!

8D: doubtful about facility, brother? Get a mechanic (6,6)
Answer is "greasemonkey" = mechanic (def)
grey - doubtful
ease - facility
monk -brother

My reservation is over "grey " meaning "doubtful"l?

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17th January 2016, 09:25
It's a grey area, elle.
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17th January 2016, 09:33
Good to have confirmation!
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17th January 2016, 10:59
Good morning, Elle!
Cold and bright here.
No snow.
My wi-fi appears to be a bit better this morning.
Although I seemed to have gone into "incognito" mode on my Chromebook. Not a clue how I did that!
It seems OK now. I am "cognito" again, if that's a word!
If not, a granddaughter should be able to help.
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17th January 2016, 11:07
Morning, all.

Rusty, I can't remember if you do the Sunday Times crossword, but there's one of 'those' clues for us today...

2 D. Gear for one version of 'London Calling' (3,3,4).
5536 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th January 2016, 11:42
Good day, Malone.
I do not get a Sunday paper, but I accessed Sunday Times online to try and solve it with the help of other clues!
I won't say the answer here in case someone stumbles across this unintentionally. But it involves a "faithful friend" and a tibia!
Anne Bradford gives it!
I would not have got it without the help of other answers, though.
Is it fair? Debatable.
Not being a Londoner I never hear these phrases and there will be many like me, all over the place.
We are doomed!
5537 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th January 2016, 11:53
Rusty, glad you got the 'London calling' answer. I'm not a Londoner either but I have many friends there - they say things such as 'up the apples and pears' as often as I say 'hoots mon' or 'och aye the noo' !
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17th January 2016, 12:16
I confess to saying "och, aye" quite a lot!
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17th January 2016, 12:22
That's fine - that's like posh Londoners saying 'yah' for 'yes'. 'Och aye the noo' is wandering into other territory altogether.
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