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16th January 2016, 13:42
Hello, Elle!
It is fine so far, here.
No snow yet. Light clouds just.
I am hoping I am far enough North to miss it.
No sign of wolves either!
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16th January 2016, 15:28
Hi, Rusty!
A good walk - cold, but we were well wrapped up!
It was a good idea to go out later, as the ice had melted from the paths and consequently it was much safer underfoot.
I've just seen a map of where the "snow corridor" is supposed to hit. It looks like you will avoid it if the map is accurate, as you are too far east.
We are 'borderline' - we may be lucky and escape it.......fingers crossed that we do!
I finished the Times GK earlier, quite easy this week. I prefer the Cryptic crosswords these days, not that I am all that proficient
yet, but at least I have to think more!
"The Voice" tonight, followed by "Casualty"!
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16th January 2016, 16:06
Hello, Elle.
Thanks for the forecast!
I only do cryptics, much better!
A few years ago, I used to go to a pub, and the pub paper was the Guardian. A few of us used to do it in the evening.
Very convivial!
Hope you enjoy your TV shows.
The day that David Bowie died, my two main news channels, Sky News and BBC News, were devoted to him, so to get more news stories I went to Al Jazeera news channel.
I was impressed!
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16th January 2016, 19:03
Good evening, Rusty!
Speaking of cryptic crosswords....... ages ago, I used to do cryptic crosswords from books - I think they were called the Telegraph's Big Book of Cryptic Crosswords - or something similar at any rate? Have you heard of them? Do I have that right?
Surprisingly , once I became "used" to what was required, I found I could do them!
But then I didn't do any Cryptics for a very long time and when I started doing them again on here - mainly The Times ones, I found it a very different "kettle of fish" and had to become familiarised all over again with how they worked!
Different setters, different idiosyncracies? (just like RR's affinity for Londonisms!)
At the moment, I'm still plodding a bit......but getting there gradually!
Doing a crossword communally - in a pub or wherever - sounds a great "social" idea!
Still snow!
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16th January 2016, 19:29
Hello, Elle!
I am not familiar with your books.
I find that the learning curve on cryptics is endless, thankfully.
Crosswords in the pub are very good.
I made some friends that way.
No snow here, too!.
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16th January 2016, 21:18
Hi, Rusty!
I have just watched "The Voice". I do like the rapport between the judges on this programme, although personally this week, I wasn't especially impressed by any particular singer. They were all of a high standard, but no one "grabbed" me!
I am recording "Casualty" for another time!
Enough TV for one night!
I'm going to read now - enjoying "Duncton Wood" a little more as the story progresses.
What have you been doing?
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16th January 2016, 21:47
Hello, Elle!
Quite cold here but no snow.
I have never looked at The Voice.
It seems to be popular, though.
I agree about TV.
I have not looked at it since 5.00 o'clock.
I am having a quiet evening at home.
My wifi is a bit wonky this night.
I think my router is quite old.
There have been several models since I got this one.
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16th January 2016, 22:40
Hi, Rusty!
You mentioned having trouble with your Wifi yesterday, too?
What sort of package do you have with BT?
Every so often we receive a new router from them to replace the existing one - this is an updated model and it comes free of charge.
(Fingers crossed, as yet we haven't had any trouble, so it obviously gets changed in time!)
I have just looked up our weather on the BBC website and it is saying a strong likelihood of snow between the hours of 1 am and 7 am!
but the dog has just been in the garden and a few flakes are already falling now!
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16th January 2016, 22:51
Hello, Elle!
This router is the original one.
Must be 6 years old.
I have never been offered a new one.
It does go on the blink from time to time.
I have a simple unlimited wifi deal with BT.
It is cold here, but no snow.
My friends in Norn Iron have 5C!

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17th January 2016, 09:08
Good morning, Rusty!
We have had a light smattering of snow overnight!
Fortunately, it has now melted upon the ground, but the trees and bushes, the roofs and the cars still bear witness!
As yet, I have been no further than the garden.....which is very muddy......and squelchy.......
I think I shall follow yesterday's pattern and take the dog out later, when the temperature has risen slightly.
What is your weather like? I hope you managed to avoid the snow?
I have already finished the Everyman crossword - just one still to parse.
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