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17th January 2016, 20:13
Hi, Rusty!
Well, I didn't notice his being there anyway, other than his first appearance? He didn't appear to be on any other page?
I've done what you said, though, and have turned the Hudl on and off....had a bit of trouble with a message saying "Cannot connect to the proxy server"? but after leaving it for about 5 minutes, it all worked again.
I've no idea what is going on when these hiccoughs occur - but they do seem to right themselves.
The trouble with modern technology is it's fine when working smoothly - but I'm not up to coping with difficulties!
And in future, I am staying well away from shifty men in dark glasses and hats!
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17th January 2016, 20:54
Hello, Elle,
He only appears on the tab that you have selected him on, Elle.
Now, have you done the "soft reset", that I suggested?
If so and there is still a problem, then try this.
Switch off everything that uses the router.
That is desktop, laptop, Hudl, phones, toaster etc.
Then unplug router from the wall plug, for five minutes.
Then, plug router back in, wait until the lights are on, showing "all systems go", and start up your Hudl and desktop etc.
This often helps overcome problems.
And before you ask, no, I do not know why...but it does!
I agree about the dodgy geezer in the hat!
Chrome's answer to Arthur (Arfur) Daley!
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17th January 2016, 21:43
Hi, Rusty!
I am not touching another single piece of equipment in case I jinx it!
And anyway, the Hudl always rights itself without my intervention, within five minutes or so after it's shown a problem - I've never had to "do" anything to modify it.
I would just like to know, out of interest, why these hitches happen (or should it be why these 'itches 'appen, 'Arriet?)
Arthur you are going way back......I liked "Minder".
I met Dennis Waterman, aka Terry McCann, at the Bromley Churchill Theatre once.
He and Patrick Mower were in the play we had gone to see (cannot remember the title) and the two actors wandered into the theatre foyer to chat and shake hands with the audience after the performance.
It was quite interesting.
Young one's birthday tomorrow (he will be 4) - we are having the birthday tea that we postponed from today ( in case we passed on any bugs) next weekend.
I shall talk to him on the phone tomorrow, though, when he gets home from nursery.
Did I say that he is having a party at nursery?
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17th January 2016, 22:01
Hello, Elle!
I liked 'Arfur and Terry, too!
No, the nursery party was kept under wraps.
I have he has good fun at it!
If you ever have trouble with your Hudl, the TESCO helpline folk are good. They sorted out my BT email problem.
Told me to uninstall it, and use MyMail.
Been fine ever since.
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18th January 2016, 10:54
Good morning, Rusty!
A cold day here, but thankfully all the ice from yesterday has now disappeared, although it was still a bit slippery underfoot due to frost.
No sign of the sun as yet.
I'm not considering going out again today!
I've done the Times QC but it took me slightly longer than usual - I think coughing must slow down the brain!
Do you have anything nice planned for the day?
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18th January 2016, 11:16
Good morning, Elle!
Cold and wet here. Pavements are slippy.
I have finished my crossword, too.
No plans for today.
Think I shall just stay home unless something crops up.
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18th January 2016, 17:47
Malone, did you see the clue in Topic column, "Dundee Courier"?
They even have Londonisms in my local paper!
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18th January 2016, 18:18
Rusty, I hadn't seen the Courier question, but had a look. At least the answer didn't involve any form of Cockney or East End lingo.
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18th January 2016, 18:59
Hi, Rusty!
Since I spoke to you this morning, we have spent the rest of the day at the local hospital!
We were there for four (+) hours.
Late yesterday evening, my husband's face swelled up on the right hand side.
This had occurred previously two years ago whilst on holiday and had been diagnosed as an allergic reaction, so last night we weren't too worried.
But when he went to see the GP this morning to get (as we expected) some anti-histamines, she thought that he had had a mini - stroke - said we should have called 999 last night - and sent him straight off to the hospital.
You can imagine how worried we then were!
But fortunately she turned out to be completely WAS an allergic reaction, and to one of his blood pressure medications.
So treatment is antihistamines right away, and a change from those particular BP tablets!
We're home again....... watered ....and shortly to be fed!
Luckily, "All's Well that Ends Well"!
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18th January 2016, 20:09
Good evening, Elle!
That was a traumatic day for both of you!
Splendid to hear your husband is to the fore again.
Your GEEP took no chances and is to be commended in my opinion.
Best if he takes it canny for a day or two, I think.
I had a similar experience a few years ago.
A medication clash, caused me to collapse.
It had caused my BP to drop far too much.
I spent 2 hours in the recovery room while the the BP slowly came back up.
And guess where I collapsed? At the hospital.
I was visiting a pal at the time!
A wee bit of TLC will do him no harm, Elle!
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