Hi, Rusty!
I cannot rouse any dodgy looking men in raincoats and sunglasses........... but I will believe you! I am sorry for doubting you!
Have you now investigated the icon further? It rather sounds as though he should be an asset?
I wonder what poor 'Arriet has done to be considered either jovial or vulgar?
Oh dear.....
This reminds me of a funny incident that happened a little while ago.....
A cockney friend was telling me about a relative whom she referred to as "Olly". Poor Olly wasn't very well ...and so the next time I saw my friend, I made enquiries about Oliver's health.......
I was very red-faced when I discovered that "Olly" was in fact " 'Olly ", aka "Holly"!
A niece , in fact, not a nephew as I had supposed!
"Cockney" language will be our undoing!