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17th January 2016, 15:55
Goodness, Malone!
I see it, too.
What on earth is Chambers coming to !!!
5551 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th January 2016, 15:58
I suppose Chambers would trot out the 'we reflect usage' stuff. I don't like the clue anyway, but I also think there's a difference between Cockney and 'a jovial vulgar Cockney' The answer to the clue is the latter.
5552 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th January 2016, 16:03
I've just had a look at "incognito mode" in Chrome. The character looks like an Imperial Storm Trooper from Star Wars to me!
5553 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th January 2016, 16:29
I have not seen Star Wars, Chris.
He looks a bit dodgy to me!
5554 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th January 2016, 17:38
Hi, Rusty!
I cannot rouse any dodgy looking men in raincoats and sunglasses........... but I will believe you! I am sorry for doubting you!
Have you now investigated the icon further? It rather sounds as though he should be an asset?
I wonder what poor 'Arriet has done to be considered either jovial or vulgar?
Oh dear.....
This reminds me of a funny incident that happened a little while ago.....
A cockney friend was telling me about a relative whom she referred to as "Olly". Poor Olly wasn't very well ...and so the next time I saw my friend, I made enquiries about Oliver's health.......
I was very red-faced when I discovered that "Olly" was in fact " 'Olly ", aka "Holly"!
A niece , in fact, not a nephew as I had supposed!
"Cockney" language will be our undoing!
5555 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th January 2016, 17:56
Hello, Elle!
Your Hudle runs on Chrome.
Go into settings on it.
Three wee dots in top right-hand corner of page.
Second option is "incognito mode".
Click on that and the wee dodgy guy appears.
It is no use to me and you wonder why anyone would use it?

Can you give a sentence with 'Arriet in it, that would convey the meaning that she was a vulgar jovial girl from Cockneyland?
I can't.
On a more mundane note, I had a pizza for my tea!
5556 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th January 2016, 18:12
Hi, Rusty!
Ok, I did that .......I saw the appropriate icon!
(You are right - he does look dodgy!)
I am duly eating "humble pie" for my tea!!

but do I get out of this incognito mode?
I cannot understand the instructions? (you know what I am like with these things!)
Although it might be a good thing to have on if no one can trace what one has been doing?
I might be stuck with it as I can't fathom what to do?

How did you get out of it?

Pizza sounds good! I like pepperoni!
5557 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th January 2016, 18:32
Hello, Elle!
I knew you would ask me how to get out of incognito!
I cannot follow the instructions, too, so I switched Hudl off, and on again, and he was gone!
I have nothing to hide so I do not need incognito.
Cheese and tom pizza. 50p from ASDA!
5558 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th January 2016, 18:51
Hi, Rusty!
Okay, I've done that, how do I know that he's gone, though ?
Not that it seemed to make any difference to anything?
I'm on the desk top at the moment, as the battery needs charging on the Hudl.
Speaking of eating humble pie and pizza, I'd better go and organise dinner....
5559 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th January 2016, 18:59
Hello, Elle!
You will know he is gone, if he isn't there.
Go on any Chrome page and see?
I think, (only think, mind) that he only appears on individual tabs, and not on Chrome as a whole.
Maybe I had better investigate further.
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