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31st December 2015, 10:00
Good morning, Rusty!
And a very beautiful one it is, too! Much colder, too, which is appreciated after the warm and wet days we have been having! We had a brisk and invigorating walk this morning!
I am having half an hour's "peace" now - so I have told the boys! - whilst I have a coffee and catch up on some email correspondence. Then we shall play games!
Their mum is still in bed! (I've already been up - and out - for over four hours!)
I seem to remember our having this conversation about Andy Stewart last year - and my Scots cousin would say the same, too. New Year's Eve was never the same without Andy! He was an "institution"!
What shall you do today?
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31st December 2015, 10:37
Good morning, Elle!
Cold here, with off and on rain.
Andy was the boy! Did I tell you he was great impersonating Elvis, as well as all his Scottish stuff?
I was at ASDA for ages. Too much gossiping!
We agreed, however, that Hogmanay is not the same anymore.
I am home for the day.
I was thinking of going up to Perth for walking shoes, but it may be busy with shoppers, so next week will do.
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31st December 2015, 11:44
Hello everyone,

I hope you will all merrily see the New Year in - and to the unfortunate people who have recently suffered flooding, I wish kinder weather conditions for 1916.

Here, it is still beautifully sunny with temps in double figures - ridiculous for a 31st December day.

When in town just now, I shared a couple of drinks with some of my fellow villagers and one of them is an 84 years old ex-farmer; he said that he had never seen such a mild and sunny month of December in his whole life !

Rusty, enjoy your haggis - unfortunately I have never tried it; but I will happily go through my dozen or more oysters, no problem !

Elle, I hope your family gathering goes well - I'm sure it will.
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31st December 2015, 11:57
Hi, Rusty!
No, I didn't know about Andy impersonating Elvis.......I remember him most for "Donald, where's your troosers?" and "A Scottish Soldier".
I think if you leave buying your walking shoes till next week, then you might possibly get some in the January sales?
No guarantee, of course, but maybe worth a try?
I bought my Nubucks in a Sale.
The sun is still shining here! ( You're in the wrong place!)
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31st December 2015, 12:06
Hi, Pigale!
It's beautiful here, but not as warm as you are having- we are only in single figures!
6C when I went out earlier.
I'm not looking forward to the catering tomorrow - but I think (hope) we have bought enough food!
Speaking of food, a little voice has just declared its owner hungry! I'd better go feed them......
All the Best for 2016!
5225 of 30765  -   Report This Post


31st December 2015, 13:01
Hello, Elle!
Wee bits of rain here, but no wind!
Andy was a great Elvis impersonator.
An excellent entertainer, in fact!
Firstly, before I jaunt to Perth, I have to make sure the shop is still there
They appear to have a shop on eBay, now.
Craigdon Mountain Sports.
Though I like Perth for shopping anyway. A fine town!
There is a statue of "The Fair Maid of Perth", sitting on a bench in High Street, there.
Her name was Catharine Glover.
I have a pal who is married to a Perth girl, and she is rarely addressed by her first name. Always "Fair Maid". And her mother is "Fair Mum"!

Good day, to you, Pigale!
Good to see you are hale and hearty!
Haggis is very tasty.
I have never ate an oyster, I do not think.
There is another delicacy up here, that we only see at Hogmanay, and that is "black bun". It is too sweet for my taste and I think it is hoatching with calories!
Just checked "hoatching". Not in Chambers, but Anne Bradford has it under "full".
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31st December 2015, 14:36
I love haggis, particularly with poached egg and neeps, with which it goes very well. (Do the neeps have to be turnips, rusty, or will swede do? We always have swede.)

I have eaten raw oysters. Think "thick seawater". Cooked, they are delicious, though.
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31st December 2015, 14:56
Hi, Rusty!
We are still playing games......... I will soon be an expert at so many different ones!
I am taking a break now to wash my hair, while my daughter has a rest, the boys watch an hour's television, and my husband pops out for some bread!
It's called organising the troops!
Son -in -law should be arriving early evening - he has been working today.
Tomorrow will be hectic, although my friend is coming to take the dog out for her walk, which will free up some time for me in the early morning.
We are looking forward to everyone being together under the same roof for a change! It should be good!
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31st December 2015, 14:57
Chris, in my ignorance, I thought a swede and a turnip were the same!
Traditionally it is neeps with haggis, but whatever you fancy makes perfect sense, to me. Never heard of a poached egg with it!
I could not begin to tell you how many times I have heard grown men arguing about the correct ingredients for making stovies!
Now, there is a minefield!
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31st December 2015, 15:02
Chris, I thought neeps were turnips? to be eaten with tatties with haggis??
Never had poached egg with haggis though?
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