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30th December 2015, 00:23
Hello, Elle!
Now, I never said I was sober!
The evening was unplanned.
I just took a wee notion to head to town and see what was going on. (Just as Pigale does when she goes to the village!)
I had no arrangements to meet anyone.
All impromptu, if that is a word!
But, I knew I would likely run into one or two I knew.
Apparently I have missed three funerals I should have attended, had I but known.
I think the Midlands should escape the worst of Frank.
Your daughter will be fine.
We have a saying, "may the wind be always at your back", but Frank is going a bit too strong!
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30th December 2015, 09:18
Good morning, Elle!
We seem to have missed the worst of "Cranky Franky"!
Horrible day though. Wild and wet!
I have not ventured out yet.
Going to get soaked just to get my paper. Mad!
Did you get any " weather"?
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30th December 2015, 10:15
Good morning, Rusty!
How are you feeling this morning? Do you have a hangover?
It doesn't sound to have been very cheery, finding out that you should have gone to three funerals? I'm sorry to hear that.
We have a lovely day here so far - very windy though! Apparently we are set to have heavy rain by mid- morning!
I hope the wind won't be too ferocious on the M1 when my daughter is driving up to London later today.
Good luck with going out to collect your paper - I hope you don't get too wet!
I am going to Sainsburys shortly........
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30th December 2015, 10:53
Hello, Elle!
No, I am feeling fine.
Was a pity I did not know about the funerals but that's because I am rarely in town these days. Then you go in to catch up, and notice a certain seat is empty or has a different occupant.
It was ever thus.
We have had bin lids blowing through the air and very heavy rain.
It has eased just now.
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30th December 2015, 13:38
Hi, Rusty!
I'm sorry I haven't replied before now....went to Sainsburys and arrived home (laden!) just before noon, to find that our daughter and the two boys had already arrived - fortunately they had let themselves in with their key.
Since then, we have been unpacking the shopping and preparing - and eating - lunch!
Just about to play a game now.............

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30th December 2015, 16:45
Hello, Elle!
Good that your daughter made the trip OK.
I am hearing some of our rural roads are flooded.
I thought The Times crossword was a challenge today.
The setter has "Asia" and "azure" as homonyms!
Not in my neck of the woods, they are not, but he qualified it by saying, "some might say".
So I suppose that's fair enough for the "some".
And I was pleased to see "kempt" as an answer!
Still heavy rain here, but less windy.
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30th December 2015, 19:19
Hi, Rusty!
Whew! I am exhausted!
We have just been playing a seemingly everlasting game of "Sorry"...... do you know that board game?
It is very good! I would recommend it both for children AND adults!
You are lucky to have the time to do a crossword!! I haven't looked at any of today's yet........but the boys have just been carted off to have a bath....... so I am "relaxing" for a few minutes!
No, I wouldn't say that "Asia and "azure" could ever be pronounced the same?
Strange about "kempt" were only talking about it the other day!
It has been raining heavily here, too, for hours! but, like with you , the wind has dropped.
The boys ate earlier but we shall have dinner once they are in bed!
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30th December 2015, 22:59
Hello, Elle!
Yes, I thought it odd that "kempt" appeared, too.
I think it is a great word. Must try and get into a conversation!
Our rain has stopped and the wind has abated.
Just heard the news that AP has been given a knighthood in the Honours List.
"Arise, Sir AP". Has a nice ring to it!
Just finished my book on Sacco and Vanzetti.
It was excellent.
It will be nice for you to have some of the family staying.
No "lunching" tomorrow?
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30th December 2015, 23:42
Hi, Rusty!
Um...the definition given of "kempt" in Chambers is "combed, tidy" so maybe it could be used of hair?
"Your hair looks very kempt; it will soon lose that appearance in this wind!"
It sounds very odd, though , doesn't it? Sort of stiff and unwieldly ?
I shall be interested to hear how you introduce it into your conversation!
That is good about AP's knighthood. You will be pleased!
My 8 year old grandson is wearing size 5 shoes!! - I'm only a size 3 - and he already reaches my nose in height! I don't think I'm that small- 5' 4"?
But I'm definitely the 'vertically challenged' one in our family!
Even the three - nearly four - year old is tall for his age!
No, no "Ladies Who lunch " tomorrow! It was suggested that we meet as usual, but I said that I wasn't going whilst daughter and family were here.
But New Year's Eve tomorrow? Hogmanay. Do you have any plans?
It's very much a Scottish /Northern England celebration. I was surprised how little it is matters comparatively, down here.
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31st December 2015, 00:20
Hello, Elle!
I shall try "kempt" on the ASDA girls today!
Yes, I am pleased for AP. Always liked him.
A size 3 just! I am size 11.
No, 5'4" is not small. I think the Queen Mum was 5 feet, just, and the Queen is not tall, nor was her sister.
I have no plans, yet, for Hogmanay.
It is not the celebration it used to be in Scotland.
When I was young it was a great celebration.
Christmas has overtaken it, now.
I preferred it when Andy Stewart was on TV, black and white at that! I liked Andy! I will get a haggis I think.
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