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29th December 2015, 17:03
Hello, Elle!
Yes, the book was called "The Sheep Pig", I think.
It is very good indeed!
I was just up in the park, walking.
Getting a bus to town later.
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29th December 2015, 17:10
I agree with both of you - as I said, the Bangles one was not at all typical! (Though Shane McGowan was in it.......................)

Dick Smith (I think) wrote the sheep pig. However what makes the film special is how natural the (real) animals seem.
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29th December 2015, 17:58
Hi, Rusty!
Um......I'm still not sure that I would enjoy the film "Babe ," despite your and Chris' doesn't sound like my 'sort of thing'.
Maybe I should try the book?
I really like that group that Chris posted up - especially the song "Same Old Town".
I'm presuming that you know them? and like them?
I now have a new earworm!
How come you are travelling on the bus this evening? You said you never do that!
Mind you, it will give you an opportunity to air your free bus pass!
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29th December 2015, 18:17
Hello, Elle!
No, maybe Babe is not for you.
I have not read the book.
It is called Babe, the Gallant Pig, in America.
Yes, a good group.
I am catching a bus because I fancy going into town for a change. I'll visit several pubs and catch up on the craic.
Not sure if my bus pass is to hand.
The city centre should not be busy on a Tuesday, I do not think.
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29th December 2015, 18:40
Have good time then, Rusty!
Yes, it is a sensible idea to go by public transport if you are going to be having a pint or "more".......
You cannot just get on a bus here and "pay" your fare. You either have to have a free bus pass or a prepaid Oyster Card.
Cash is not accepted by the driver!
Do you not have this restriction?
Maybe worth looking for your bus pass?
Besides, if the cost of fares in Dundee is as high as it is here, you could buy an extra pint with what you would save on travel expenses!
Enjoy the craic!
Talk later if you are sober when you get home!
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29th December 2015, 18:48
Hello, Elle,
Our drivers take cash, but it has to be correct fare.
No change given.
Just contemplating which stop to get off in town.
I am very fussy where I go.
If they do not match my expectations they get told why, and I move on.
My favourite is the biggest in town.
Great staff and clientele and they have a Sonos machine, I think it is called. The staff let the customers each choose a song. Very popular!
Right, I am off!
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29th December 2015, 23:30
Good evening, Elle!
Just home 10 minutes ago.
Wind is rising!
Frank is on his way, methinks!
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29th December 2015, 23:39
Hi, Rusty!
It is good that you got home before Frank did!
Did you have a good time? Where did you get to?
We have no wind here, but a steady drizzle has set in.
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29th December 2015, 23:52
Hello, Elle!
I had a grand time!
Was in four pubs.
I ran into one or two folk I knew (Dundee is only a big village).
Did lots of talking! Friendly bar staff. Got second last bus home.
A fine evening, and it will be a wee while before I venture downtown again.
Cork is flooded and flight cancelations at Belfast City and International airports and it is coming this way.
Fingers crossed for the folk in Northern England and the Borders.
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30th December 2015, 00:07
Hi, Rusty!
I'm glad you had a great time! It's good to meet up with friends and have a natter!
Four pubs! and are you still sober?
I do hope you won't be badly hit by Storm Frank.
The forecast for here is that London will miss the worst of it, but can expect some strong winds and heavy rain from mid morning tomorrow.
I hope my daughter and the boys won't have any trouble driving down from the Midlands. Our son-in-law won't be coming until Thursday evening, as he has to work until then.
5210 of 30765  -   Report This Post