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1st January 2016, 22:54
Elle, I took another step into the technology minefield today.
I did not get a paper, so I did The Times online.
It took me quite a bit longer than normal but I got there and got a little window to congratulate me when finished.
However, I much prefer using my pen and paper!
Back to normal tomorrow!
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1st January 2016, 23:21
Hi, Rusty!
That is good that you had so many first -footers!
You had quite a gathering! Did they all have mince and tatties?
So if you were so late to bed, what time did you get up this morning?
I and the boys were up about 6.30am.
Yes, thank you, we had a wonderful time! and the four grandchildren - despite some disparity in their ages - got on very well.
They range from 8 to 3 (very nearly 4) with two 5-year-olds ( one nearly 6) in the middle.
I received my crosswords from my friend via the usual screen shots, but I have only just had the chance to look at the Jumbo GK, which I have very nearly completed.
I always print it out. Could you not have done that with yours, rather than complete it online?
But well done on the update in technology!
Still very wet and cold here!
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2nd January 2016, 00:20
Good morning, Elle!
I surfaced at 8.30.
Some of my gang had pizza.
What impressed me though was, the lack of drinking.
Not like my day. I was pleased to see it.
Diet Coke is the thing nowadays!
Are all the boys gone?
I am sure if I knew how to go about it that I could print off the crossword, but....the printer does not work properly, nor is it tuned into Windows 10, or the Edge, or Dell, or whatever.
So, I am used to no printing facility now.
Should be back to normal today!
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2nd January 2016, 09:29
Good morning, Rusty!
Dreich again!
That is good that your granddaughters and their friends do not "drink".
But then nor did we in "my" day! There was quite a group of us all did things together but no -one drank alcohol, not even the guys.
No, the two elder grandsons are still here, along with their mum and dad. They go home tomorrow.
School recommences on Tuesday.
It was just those who live locally, who went home yesterday when it was the children's bedtime.
Our younger daughter and family were here ( baby due in March; not all that long now!) and our granddaughter and her mum.
I'm just about to print off today's crosswords, but doubt I shall get chance to look at them till this evening!
Haven't even been out with the dog yet!
How about you? Have you been out for your paper?
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2nd January 2016, 09:54
Hello, Elle!
Wild and wet here.
Forecast is not good, at all!
Yes, I have collected my paper.
Store was very quiet.
You will be chuffed seeing all your family.
You shall have to re-think your strategies, Elle
Doggie comes before crosswords!
I have not had a trip in Miss La Bamba's new motor yet.
Maybe during the week!
5255 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd January 2016, 10:49
Hi there,

It's OK here but my friends in Jersey/Guernsey have just mailed - apparently they are having a gale/storm force 10 !!! Now, even for the Channel Islands (where it is always windy), it is unusual.
All ferries are cancelled. I was expecting them tonight but it won't be until tomorrow at the earliest, or even later if still wild.
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2nd January 2016, 11:14
Hi, Rusty!
But it isn't the crossword that is holding up the dog -walk!
The xword is printed ready for doing, but that won't be until sometime late this evening after the boys have gone to bed.
I am at present playing games with the boys until their parents appear - they are still asleep! (It is all right for some! )
Mind you, it was 7.30 before I was up myself this morning! Such decadence!!
The boys slept later than usual (they are normally awake by 6am) as I think they were so tired after yesterday's New Year cum birthday cum second Christmas celebrations!
When their parents are ready, they are all calling to see some friends, whilst my husband and I take out the dog - in the rain!
Maybe next week Miss L-B will take you out in the car to get a bacon roll?
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2nd January 2016, 11:25
I hope your friends manage to reach you safely, if later than expected.

Happy New Year to you and to everyone on the forum!
5258 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd January 2016, 11:39
'Allo, Pigale!
I think there is "weather" everywhere!
Wild and wet here.
Hopefully your friends can sail soon.

You will need a holiday when the family go!
La Bamba drove downtown on Hogmanay.
One of the busiest days of the year.
I am looking forward to a "hurl" in her motor.
Will wait until next week, though.
Don't think she has Uni then.
5259 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd January 2016, 16:29
Hi, Rusty!
We are back! but very poggy!
It was good to get out for a walk, but it was extremely wet - and very muddy underfoot.
I considered bathing the dog on our return...... but settled for a good rub with a towel!
She, of course, thought it wonderful! the filthier she gets, the happier she is!
I reported slightly wrongly on daughter's plans.... it appears that son-in-law was to go home today with younger grandson - they went this morning - as the young one has a party to attend at 5.30 this afternoon.
She and eldest grandson will stay here until tomorrow and go home about teatime, I think.
So we have another day of their company.
School starts again on Tuesday, so they will have Monday to make sure all homework is done etc.
It is a shame that they do not live nearer, but we are fortunate in that the other two (soon to be three!) grandchildren are fairly nearby.
But you are right in that we will need a holiday to recuperate.....!
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