Hi, Rusty!
You and Chris have completely lost me here?
I know virtually nothing about Shane McGowan or Gram Parsons? although I have heard of U2 and Bono!
And I've heard of "The Joshua Tree" but only as a U2 album, not as an actual place? What / Where is it?
Are you going to enlighten me as to what you are both talking about?
It all sounds somewhat bizarre?
Yes, I have followed you about your television "catch-up" - it sounds very useful!
I am now about to make a cup of coffee on our new machine!! Younger daughter bought us a coffee machine as part of our Christmas present..... a Bosch Tassimo machine - using Costa Americano coffee!
(It might keep me awake for a bit longer - I don't know what is the matter with me this evening....I'm so tired!