How did your New Year's Eve and New Year's Day go?
Hi, Rusty!
Did all your expected First Footers arrive? and did they all require feeding?
It is a good "do" when food is on the agenda!
I see that your granddaughters came....... I take it then that at least one of them has a very tall dark -haired boyfriend?!
We could hear very noisy fireworks last night until about 2 am - the dog was beside herself!
We have had a great day - it is not often that we can all get together under the same roof- so it was a very special occasion.
The only ones left flying the flag, now, so to speak, are those of us who are going to sleep here. The others have now gone home!
The two elder grandsons are tired now and are sitting quietly(!)playing on their tablets.
So I'm snatching a moment to type this, before they no doubt call for a last game before bed!
It's been very cold here - the car was covered in frost this morning! but we 've had a wet afternoon!