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2nd January 2016, 17:34
Hello, Elle!
Extremely wet here, too.
Been a busy few days for you.
Take it easy!
I am off out in the rain.
Was going for a walk earlier but fell asleep, so off I pop now!
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2nd January 2016, 20:03
Hi, Rusty!
Where did you walk to? It must surely have been very dark when you went out?
It was dark here by fourish today.
We have all just finished playing a game of "Sorry", and grandson has just gone to bed. He is allowed to read in bed for half an hour before switching off his light.
He is reading "Harry Potter" - it has seven hundred and something pages but he has nearly finished it.
I shall now have a quick shifty at the crossword.......
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2nd January 2016, 21:23
Hello, Elle!
I had a wee dander around the park.
There is a park near home with ancient standing stones.
Unlike Stonehenge, no one goes near them.
Yes, it was very dark and windy and wet.
But I am warm and dry now.
I finished my crossword this morning.
No sign of Rose today in the Opinion pages, but I discovered her doing a book review, in the supplement.
Rose was doing the review, not me.
Do you have "weather"?
Wild here!
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2nd January 2016, 22:35
Hi, Rusty!
It wouldn't be safe to wander alone around a park in the London area in the dark - not even out here where we live.
It is almost "asking" to be mugged!
It is a sad world in which we dwell!
You are fortunate if it is different where you live.
I have been attempting to read my book but am almost falling asleep.......I think a hot drink and an earlyish night are on the cards.........
Still raining here.......and the forecast seems to be that this will prevail for a few days.
Our daughter and grandson are heading off about 11am tomorrow , so will take the dog for a walk once they are on their way.
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2nd January 2016, 22:56
Hello, Elle,
We have our share of ne'er-do-wells and numpties up here too.
But, you are quite right. Best avoiding these places.
Goodness knows where the rain is coming from!
And the wind is howling.
An early night will do you no harm.
Or me!
Once your family go home you can get back to normal.
I have just discovered one of my granddaughters is in Dublin, for New Year,and I was not told! Or if I was, it did not click.
A senior moment?
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2nd January 2016, 23:29
A senior moment, Rusty? You? Never.......
I am away to my bed....after all, I might be playing board games by 7 am.......
No, actually, I am doing the boys a grave injustice here!
They have both been very good at not waking us up at some ungodly hour, but rather have waited until they heard us stirring before coming into our bedroom in the mornings.
And we have breakfast before the word "game" is even mentioned!
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3rd January 2016, 08:55
"Good!", morning, Elle!
Good it is not!
Been wild and wet all night, and the forecast is for it to continue.
Hope there is no more flooding!
Have you been affected by the " gas leak" scare?
Bromley was mentioned in the clip I read.
I am not venturing out today!
Larder is well stocked and I have plenty books to read.
I shall let the weather get on with it!
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3rd January 2016, 11:01
Good Morning, Rusty!
It is wet here, too! but we shall have to venture forth eventually in order to walk the dog.
We have just waved goodbye to our daughter and will probably be February half -term before we shall see them again.
That seems a long time!
I didn't even know there had been a gas leak scare until you told me! Local news via Dundee!
I googled the incident and found that it wasn't all that near to us, fortunately. But it was a massive evacuation by all accounts....five hundred people were moved out of their homes into quickly set-up reception centres at 11 pm last night - and only allowed to return at 5 am this morning. for a cup of coffee and a piece of shortcake....and then about midday, we shall go for a walk /plodge!
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3rd January 2016, 11:41
Hello, Elle!
The house will be quiet without the young ones!
It is quite a while to mid-February.
Could not you visit ere then?
Family is very important.
And the gas leak was not close by.
That would be a relief...if only you knew about it!
I think the Government and local authorities etc have plans in place for all eventualities.
I read a lot about the mobilisation (my spellchecker does not like that word?) at the outbreak of WW1. it was incredible how they co-ordinated everything so quickly. That was in the age of telegram boys.
Hardly anyone had a phone or wireless in those days.
Now, is shortcake and shortbread the same thing?
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3rd January 2016, 13:55
Hi, Rusty!
What a walk! The rain just did not let up - we were soaked!
It was necessary to change when we arrived home. With hindsight, we would have been better wearing our waterproof trousers over our jeans - but there again, I don't know where they are!!
The dog thought it was great, though!
I am definitely not going out again today - altho my husband, very stoically, has just gone for the Sunday Times!
I need to do some tidying - the boys' bedroom looks like a tidal wave passed through!
And I shall print out the Everyman - I will be very late in starting it today.
First though, I think some hot soup might be in order.........
5270 of 30765  -   Report This Post