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29th December 2015, 13:23
Very good, Chris!
I discovered that Oscar Wilde's family had a house (Moytura, I think) at Cong. I think his father had it built.
And it was more recently owned by The Edge of U2 fame.
I have friends in Comber, County Down, and their local pub has a Quiet Man day each year on the last Sunday before Christmas.
The film is shown in a loop, and folk are invited to dress up as characters from the film.
They raise quite a bit of money for charity.
MacBride's is the pub.
Had a few good evenings there!
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29th December 2015, 14:17
Good afternoon, Rusty!
Yes, bourn or bourne can mean either a limit/ boundary, or a stream or dry chalk bed that can be flooded.
I have seen "The Quiet Man" - although many moons ago! Yes, an excellent film, altho my memory of the story is a bit dim......something to do with a dowry withheld by the heroine's brother?
I cannot remember where I was when I saw the film.......
If I recall correctly, Ward Bond - he of Wagon Train fame - was also in it?
The sun is still shining, the dog is getting restless....time to go out for a (quick) walk.
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29th December 2015, 14:44
I can link together two of the recent themes here. When we were in West Ireland, we also visited Tuam, as that's where most of The Saw Doctors came from. On this song of theirs, Shane McGowan's teeth get a name check!
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29th December 2015, 15:52
Hello, Elle,
Ward Bond played the priest, Father Lonergan.
Another actor I loved was Barry Fitzgerald who played Michaleen Flynn.
Great picture! My other favourite is Babe.
Still dry here!
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29th December 2015, 16:04
At the end of A Wreck Reborn, Shane had great teeth.
He was very happy with them.
And he did Fairy Tale with Cait O'Riordan, who was an original Pogue. She is good, but she is not Kirsty McColl.
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29th December 2015, 16:31
Hey, Rusty!
I know Barry Fitzgerald more from his part as the aging priest in "Going My Way" , where Bing played the young Father O'Malley (also a golfer!)
A lovely film!
Is "Babe " the one about the pig? I didn't see that - I didn't think that I would like it?
Lovely out this afternoon - the sun has shone bravely all day, but dark now.......
Did you get your walk? How far did you venture?
I hope you enjoy your excursion into town this evening!
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29th December 2015, 16:37
Babe is a great film, elle - brilliantly written and executed.

Did you like my Saw Doctors song? Not very typical of them. This one is a lovely song, I think:

Also this one:

..............and this one was the first I heard
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29th December 2015, 17:00
Hi, Chris!
I didn't like the first link that you put up, but I liked the three in the second batch..........especially "Same Old Town."
I think I have a new "earworm"...
"Same Old Story, Same Old Town...."
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29th December 2015, 17:00
Chrise, I did not know this band; I listened to all your links and discovered a group I really like - except your very first link. Good voices. Thank you
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29th December 2015, 17:01
P.S. I was just going to add that I like the lyrics, when somehow it got prematurely posted!
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