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28th December 2015, 20:38
Hi, Rusty!
You can watch "missed programmes" on your television? I do not know what you mean?
I should probably explain here that our TV is rather like my mobile phone....very basic and prehistoric! built for dinosaurs!
We watch very little TV so it doesn't really matter. When it finally breaks down, we shall buy a flat screen! (see, I told you it was archaic!)
But now, I shall surprise you!
Normally, I am sure that I would never have known who is Shane McGowan.........but Irish friend of mine has a dog called "Pogue"!
Now, admit that you were not expecting that.....?!
But I give in about the teeth?
I am having trouble staying awake - I have already retrieved my book once from the floor.................
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28th December 2015, 21:10
Hello, Elle!
Now I am no expert, but, when the Sky man installed my new box, he was wanting to connect it to my wi-fi, but I forbade him because I only got 10 MB or GB's per month, and I was needing them for phone and laptop and Hudl.
Now, I have unlimited wi-fi, so my son has connected TV to router and there is a section in my TV called "catch up".
I think it is all last weeks programmes on several channels, but I have not explored it, so far.
The Shane McGowan prog was on recently and my TV can now go back and find it and I can watch or record it.
Are you with me?
I thought everyone in the whole wide world would know Shane McGowan?
I like Shane but his teeth are not entrancing.
Broken, discoloured, missing etc and he fears dentists.
That is what this prog is about.
Treating his teeth.
I do not watch much TV either.
The News and some sport, and that is about it.
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28th December 2015, 21:13
And in the summer, BGT!
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28th December 2015, 21:17
I listened to the R4 programme on the making of "Fairytale of New York" and was sufficiently intrigued to find a longer and more interesting programme (BBC originally) on YouTube:

Shane seems just about to be holding himself together.
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28th December 2015, 21:35
Chris, the little but I saw of Shane (I think the programme was on Sky Arts channel) on this catch up TV, he did not look right.
Kind of reminded me of what was said about Gram Parsons after he died. "Gram thought he could do what Keith Richard could do, but there is only one Keith."
A reference to the drugs and drink.
Nobody could keep up with Keith!
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28th December 2015, 21:40
Yes, he might have been more coherent.

Gram Parsons probably couldn't accept the fact that Emmy-Lou Harris was far more talented than he was (in my opinion, anyway!)

"The Joshua Tree" rings a bell here - relevant?
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28th December 2015, 21:41
The programme is called, "A Wreck Reborn."
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28th December 2015, 21:42
Yes, Gram died at Joshua Tree in Southern California, in the desert.
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28th December 2015, 21:44
When you have an hour to spare, you might find the link I gave interesting, rusty. Such a shame about Kirsty McColl.
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28th December 2015, 21:44
U2 had an album called Joshua Tree, but I do not know if it is anything to do with Gram.
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