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24th December 2015, 01:49
aww! Elle - i love that Bing/Bowie thing, both great singers.
Just peeked into this thread to give all of you my best wishes. Have a ball.
5101 of 30765  -   Report This Post


24th December 2015, 07:32
Good morning, Elle,
Well done on the pets presents.
They are part of your family too,

Malone, I agree regarding Andy Williams and David Bowie.
I think even I could tell those two apart!

Trevor, Season's greetings to you, too!
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24th December 2015, 10:28
Morning, Rusty!
A lovely day early morning, albeit a very, very boisterous wind! but we are forecast rain for most of the day ahead.
All shopping done now though, so no need to go out again apart from walking the dog later this afternoon.
I have some household chores to do, but I shall tackle those after coffee and the crossword.
I remembered to look at the paper's masthead - no, it doesn't say 'London'; underneath the title line, it simply gives the date, the website, and the issue number
Do you have anything planned for today?

Hi, Trev!
And a Very Happy Christmas to you, too!
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24th December 2015, 10:50
Good morning, Elle!
Fine day far!
No, I think London was on the masthead during the London Olympic Games, that's all, according to Wikkypedia.
I have done all I am doing, today. Except for delivering Christmas cards to neighbours.
Was at ASDA bright and early. Quite busyish there.
I see there is a Christmas tree lit up at Bethlehem
I thought that was a Northern European thing, but it looks as I am wrong, again!
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24th December 2015, 12:31
Hi, Rusty!
Well, the forecast was right about the heavy rain. It has been lashing down - and how! - for almost two hours now.
I have just been to see my elderly neighbour to take him his Christmas present, and, even just to go next-door, I had to don a raincoat.
I hope our friends in Cumbria are not having more problems - so far they have been reasonably lucky compared with other areas up there.
I am just about to hoover.........ugh.... but duty calls......
( I'd better switch off Bing.... I won't be able to hear him above the noise of the hoover!)
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24th December 2015, 12:58
Hello, Elle,
Power cuts in Ireland with Storm Eva.
Winds recorded at 85 mph.
And the bad news is that Storm Frank is going to be worse.
Due to get here on Hogmanay.
Fine dry day here.
Crossword finished early today!
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24th December 2015, 14:37
Good Afternoon, Rusty!
I'm afraid that I haven't been following the progress of Storm Eva - are any of your family and friends in Ireland being affected by it? I hope not?
It sounds as though you yourself in Scotland might be affected by "Frank " if and when it arrives........
Some of my family live in / are visiting Scotland.
I have relatives in Kirkintilloch as you know; also a cousin, plus an old friend, living in Nairn.
I've never been that far from you? (Me and Geography!)
And my cousin (the one who lives in Blackburn) and her family are up in Fort William over the festive season.
I don't think any of them bargained for outrageous weather!
Fell dreich here....not venturing out for a second walk today.......
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24th December 2015, 15:28
Hello, Elle!
No, it was further down the coast in Mayo that was the worst.
Mind you, it is always windy in Donegal, always!
Nairn is a good bit North from me, in a nice part of the world, popular with holiday makers.
Fort William and around there (it is at the foot of "the Ben", which is what Ben Nevis is usually known as up here) is a lovely spot. Very close to Glencoe.
If you venture to Glencoe and Fort William "weather" is to be expected!
But, I would still go. Bad weather is wearing the wrong clothes!
Been a fine day here, though the light is starting to go, now.
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24th December 2015, 19:12
Hi, Rusty!
The rain has stopped and the wind has died down, but I am thinking that it is only temporary.
My little bit of dusting and hoovering turned into a full-blown "spring -clean"!
(A little early, I know!)
My husband came to help me and somehow we got carried away with a thorough cleaning of all downstairs.
Not that it was really required....but whenever anyone is coming to stay/ visit, I feel compelled to "clean" everywhere , be it necessary or not!
It has had a salutary effect and I now feel ready for any challenge!
Btw, still not happy about "prebends"....
Are you visiting BOTH your sons and their families tomorrow?
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24th December 2015, 20:23
Good evening, Elle!
Well done on the cleaning.
Can be tiring if you are not used to it.
You can sit down and relax now.
I have never heard of prebends before.
My plan tomorrow is to vault the moat and visit my oldest son in the morning. Then home, and several granddaughters are visiting me, in their finery, in afternoon.
In the evening my youngest son is coming to see me.
After that I can relax!
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