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25th December 2015, 21:34
Hi, Rusty!
So how did Santa get the car down the chimney..............?
I am sure that Miss L-B is delighted!
You have obviously had a lovely day - it's good to spend precious time with family.
"Connor" is one of the trains that is a "friend" of Thomas - but he is one of the newer trains - and didn't exist when my son was small!
I've just been talking to my son and he says he can only remember there being about six Thomas trains! now there are about eighty different engines!
I haven't heard of Jim Crumley? "The Last Wolf"?
There has been talk, though, of reintroducing wolves into Scotland , hasn't there?
Will this happen?
Is this anything to do with the book?
You will be an expert on the Tube!
We have had a warmish wet day here - not at all seasonal! although my Canadian friend had a White Christmas! (and Bing dreamt of one!)
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25th December 2015, 21:59
Helli, Elle!
Santa is not daft. He left the car in the street and brought the keys down the lum!
I know nothing about Thomas the train and his friends, I'm afraid.
Jim Crumley is very much in favour of bringing back the wolves, even to Devon! Yes, that is what the book is about.
The Winter Whale is about a humpback whale that was first caught in the Tay many years ago. That dolt, McGonagall, wrote a "poem" about it!
I am looking forward to the Underground programme.
I had a quick squiz at The Times crossword today, and in one clue for "station" the answer was "Paddington".
Not London station, just station. I forget the clue, but the answer was " Paddington Bear".
It is fairly cold here, about 4 C.
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25th December 2015, 22:55
Hi, Rusty!
Oh, did you have a crossword online then, even though there was no newspaper?
I used to read the Paddington Bear stories to my children!
Do you not know the stories? Paddington Bear came from "darkest Peru" and was discovered - wearing a label that said "Please look after this bear" - on Paddington Station (London) by the Brown family, who took him to live with them.
My husband used to work at St. Mary's Hospital, which is very near Paddington Station, and when he retired, his colleagues gave him a small "Paddington Bear" to remember the place, amongst his other leaving presents!
I think tomorrow shall be a 'relaxing' day!
Dreich here but still mild.
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26th December 2015, 07:33
Good Morning, Elle!
Yes, there was an online crossword. I did not do it, though.
I think "Peru" was part of the clue.
Wet and cold here.
I think NW England is in for more bad weather unfortunately.
I am taking it easy today.
Going out for my paper and that will be that.
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26th December 2015, 10:47
Good morning, Rusty!
It was wet here when we went out this morning....still mild though. 13C according to the local weather forecast.
We have nothing planned for today, other than another walk later this afternoon - got to make it up to the dog deserting her yesterday!
Otherwise a lazy day!
I have bought a paper, so shall take a look at the Jumbo General Knowledge crossword shortly.
I've missed my daily dose of "Eggheads" this week - it isn't being shown over the festive period.
What make (and colour) of car did Miss L-B get? She is certainly a lucky girl!
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26th December 2015, 11:44
Hello, Elle!
Cold and wet here. Dreich does not come close!
Miss La Bamba is the proud owner of a Citroen C1, I think the model is called. Super wee car!
I have just finished watching the programme on the Underground.
It was brilliant. Also included the NY Subway and the Paris Metro.
The engineers and technology were/are incredible.
The ground around the River Seine was so unstable it had to be frozen before they could start tunneling. Best programme I have seen in a long time! Some good stuff on National Geographic Channel!
ASDA was very quiet today. It opened at 9.
So, you are quite rightly having a lazy day.
I suppose now, that pa-rum pum pum pum is over for another year.
Ah well, was good while it lasted!
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26th December 2015, 13:09
Hi, Rusty!
The car sounds great! (typical male, though, not to tell me the colour !!)
My son-in-law has just bought a second -hand Citroen - I think its a 207. Black.
They found that they will need two cars, as it will be so much easier to do the appropriate pick ups from school and nursery etc
Your programme about the Underground sounds to have been very informative!
I am wishing today that we hadn't "had a go" at RR!
Today he has put in a Scottish clue!
And would you believe that this is the ONLY clue that I cannot do?
I am sure you will know the answer!
I will put it out on the Forum in case any one else needs help with it!
Going out now with the dog now, whilst it is (temporarily?) fine......
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26th December 2015, 13:35
Just popping out to look at the floods in the village. Fortuntaely for us, we're about 100ft higher up.
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26th December 2015, 13:55
Hello, Elle!
Rain is in torrents here!
The La Bamba car is a light white colour.
Very bonnie!
The Underground programme was super.
May not be to everyone's taste, but I thought it marvelous.
The engineers used some amazing techniques!
They were very worried that Big Ben (do you know Big Ben?) might topple over when they were tunneling, and used special techniques to overcome the difficulties encountered. It did start to tilt by 35 millimetres and they used techniques to correct this. They brought in the engineer who was involved with the Leaning Tower at Pisa.
Amazing engineering!
I see your clue, but Seamus to the rescue!
Largest boglands in Europe there, known as the Flow Country.
Great for trout fishing, there.
Write that in your wee notebook and tell the Ladies who Lunch?
They will be very impressed!
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26th December 2015, 16:06
Hi, Rusty!
Weatherwise, it was a pleasanter walk this afternoon - at least the rain held off.
The dog was a trifle poggy though.
We went to one of our local parks - thinking "paths" rather than overly muddy fields and woods after all the heavy rain yesterday, but it was a big mistake!
Every man and his dog, and every child and his/her skateboard/ bike/ scooter/ roller skates, plus mothers with prams and buggies had all had the same idea!
It's back to the nubucks / wellies and fields - and a bit of precious isolation! - tomorrow.
Btw, apparently I misinformed you about our son-in-law's new car - it is a Peugeot 207, not a Citroen as I previously stated!

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