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26th December 2015, 16:07
Chris, it's good to hear that you are higher up and not personally affected by the floods.
My cousin's younger daughter lives near you in the "disputed area" and they are all away in the Scottish Highlands over Christmas.
I hope they will not return to find disaster literally on (or over) their doorstep.
5131 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th December 2015, 16:44
The main road through the village is closed because of flooding. That's the first time I've seen this happening, and we've lived here over thrity years.

Social event of the year, though - looking at the floods in the village! We do have run-off the slope above us, but it just affects non-critical areas (garage, conservatory)). We have had the biggest pond ever in the garden, though.
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26th December 2015, 18:10
Hello, Elle!
Our rain has not held off.
It is coming down in lumps!
At least you are getting out on your walks.
I have stayed home most of the day.
Been a very wet Christmas.
I hope the folk in Northern England are coping reasonably well.
They have had it tough!
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26th December 2015, 19:59
Hi, Rusty!
I hope that, despite the very heavy rain, you are not in any danger of being flooded?
Some of my family live fairly near to Chris, and I have also seen scenes on the computer showing very bad floods around where my cousin's younger daughter and family live.
Unfortunately they are all away in Fort William at the moment, unless they have decided to go home early because of the flood situation.
The reception isn't good where they are staying, so I haven't been able to get in touch.
I expect I will get an update soon.
There seems to be no end to this rain.
We are being very lucky here.
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26th December 2015, 20:48
Hello, Elle!
No, just some roads flooded in this area.
Our problems are usually at the waterfront when a high tide won't let the rainwater away, and the water backs up.
Not heard that today and there has been a lot of work getting done to help that situation.
I do not know how you are trying to contact your family but in the Fort William and especially Glencoe areas the mobile phone signals really struggle because of the mountains blocking the signals. And then the batteries run flat because the phone is continually trying to find a non existent signal.
So, I would not worry too much about not making contact.
Not unusual up there!
Our rain has not halted all day.
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26th December 2015, 22:04
Hi, Rusty!
I've just had a text from my cousin.
You were right - communication has been bad as the signal there is very poor.
They didn't know about the floods until late this afternoon, but someone local managed to get to the house - despite the road being closed - and rescued the cat, which was their main concern.
And things have been moved from the cellar, and also some from the ground floor "just in case".
But providing there is no more heavy rain overnight, all should be ok, as they will be home tomorrow and able to deal with the situation themselves.
This is hitting so many people, isn't it?
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26th December 2015, 23:14
Hello, Elle!
I am not sure what the forecast is.
But the rain has caused chaos in Northern England up to now.
Hope things are OK for your cousin and family.
I have been in the same situation as your cousin when I have been to the North.
People texting and getting worried when there is no reply.
Par for the course in many parts of the North West.
Signals can't get through mountains!
Best switching phone off to conserve battery until they are in a more receptive area.
Rain has eased a bit here!
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27th December 2015, 09:28
Good morning, Rusty!
Damp and still mild here ......
I hope your rain has stopped?
I had a second text from my cousin, making more sense than the first. It seems that her son-in-law's father had managed to get to the house, despite the road being flooded, and had found the cat safely indoors - the worry was that he might have been outside as there is a cat flap.
But he was obviously scared and had sought refuge upstairs. He was ensconced on a bed, safely out of harm's way!
They are driving home today.
We are making a few preparations for family arriving. Visitors tomorrow just for the day, others to stay from Wednesday.
What are you up to?
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27th December 2015, 10:27
Good morning, Elle!
Beautiful weather here.
Blue sky and little wind. Fine!
Cats aren't daft, you know!
So, you are busy getting sorted out for visitors.
Canny day for me.
Wondering where I could walk to that is not sodden.
I will watch the Alpine skiing later on my television, and maybe a bit of the racing.
And I have started the Sacco and Vanzetti book.
So far, it is excellent.
5139 of 30765  -   Report This Post


27th December 2015, 12:17
Hi, Rusty!
Your weather seems to swing from one extreme to another!
I don't like this perpetually unseasonally muggy, wet weather WE are having!
Would that it be cold and dry! What I wouldn't give to go for a brisk walk instead of a muddy plodge!
Still, we mustn't grumble considering what the North of England is enduring.
I have made up the last bed that will be needed!
And I have finished the Everyman crossword all bar one clue that I cannot fully parse........
This will "niggle" me all day until I solve it!
( Is there such a thing as a "clueworm"?)
Going to take out the dog in a little while.......
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