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22nd December 2015, 15:44
Good afternoon, Rusty!
Yes, I was up bright and early at 6am!
I took out the dog for her walk - in a fine drizzle and a VERY heavy wind!
It has since been raining steadily though.
Yes, I went to have my hair trimmed this morning - must look respectable for Christmas! - and my hair was getting a mite too long.
So is the Wendy House remaining with you until April? It is a good job that you have the space to accommodate it.
What happened about your painter? and your outing with Miss L-B?
You could always leave Hector or Rosie on duty? and of course, so long as you are remembering to feed the piranhas...................
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22nd December 2015, 16:00
You forgot Fang!
Piranhas look pretty sleek when you glimpse them, you know!

Painter and the young one are tomorrow, Wednesday.
Did I get the days wrong?
There is a problem with the house the Wendy house was going to involving builders etc so I said it is safe with me for a while.
The elves were very pleased with me!
I have plenty room here.
I got a smashing steak pie at the butcher shop earlier.
The shop has a great reputation.
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22nd December 2015, 16:36
Hi, Rusty!
I thought Fang might like to go with you for a bacon roll?
No, it was I who got the days wrong! Sorry!
Probably a good job if it is raining today - you didn't say if you have a porch?
Otherwise, unless he gets a fine day tomorrow, the painter may have to postpone.
All this rain should save you from having to top up the moat, though.........

Your pie sounds it for your tea today?
You've just reminded me I didn't have any lunch....
Listening to Bing' s Christmas songs...........whilst I do today's crosswords.
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22nd December 2015, 17:03
Helli, Elle!
Yes, have an all weather porch with grabrails four foot high to prevent anyone accidentally falling in the moat.
Works quite well.
Should be, all systems go for painter.
My pie is for Christmas dinner.
I am looking forrit to it.
Just about to tackle the crossword.
London here I come!
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22nd December 2015, 17:46
Hello Rusty,

The village and I are doing OK, thanks for asking. Nothing exciting happening now, people are just busy with their last preparations.
A lot of firms will close down on Christmas Eve lunchtime and will not reopen until 4th January. Only the farmers will still work, particularly those with animals - they need to be milked and fed whatever the time of the year.

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22nd December 2015, 17:58
Hello, Pigale!
Very true, no day off for the farmers.
They must tend the animals.
I have just been reading about the poor folk in Cumbria.
Heavy rain has caused more flooding for them.
Feel very sorry for them.
Nature is impossible to defeat.
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22nd December 2015, 18:23
My friends nearly got flooded for the second time yesterday - don't know about today yet.
It is easier to fight a fire than it is to fight water.
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22nd December 2015, 18:53
Hi, Pigale!
It is as well that you decided to stay home and not travel over to Cumbria, this year, to visit your friends.
You could get caught up in the bad situation - this isn't the time to be travelling about in the Lake District.
Fortunately my friends in Caldbeck are still all right - they have been very fortunate so far.
Their daughter and other family members are travelling up to stay with them though , over Christmas, so I shall first hand how things are when she gets back to London.
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22nd December 2015, 19:03
It's just occurred to me that the destruction of Pooley Bridge (the bridge itself, that is) might mean that some poor people have been trapped at the Sharrow Bay Hotel - poor dears!
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22nd December 2015, 19:07
No, there is another road out, their side of the river. Oh well!
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