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22nd December 2015, 22:20
I will admit to having listened to Nana and Boney M version two or three times since we first spoke about it - not surprising that the tune is still in my head !
5071 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd December 2015, 22:21
Well remembered, elle - yes, she's the one who caused the ferning!
5072 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd December 2015, 09:22
Good morning, Elle!
Well, you certainly have made an impression on Mr Rogan!
The Times today
1d. Magazine featuring topless beauty (4)

Fine morning here.
ASDA have notices up apologising for limited choice of biscuits today.
Suppliers affected by floods.
Not so good!
5073 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd December 2015, 09:23
Today's crosswords have no Londonisms, but I liked this clue (from the cryptic crossword in the main paper)...

1 D. Magazine featuring topless beauty (4).
5074 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd December 2015, 09:25
This is spooky, Malone!
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23rd December 2015, 09:31
Great minds ...

... fools seldom differ.

5076 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd December 2015, 10:42
Good Morning, Rusty!
So, fame at last!
or maybe I should say 'notoriety', considering the tone of the clue?

Yes, beautiful day here too. Much colder but I quite like that!
A brisk and invigorating walk this morning!
.......and filled with festive spirit, with folk all wishing each other a Merry Christmas!
It's good you have a fine day for the painting - has the painter arrived yet?
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23rd December 2015, 10:46
I don't actually have a solicitor (the one I had tried to convince me it was very difficult to get probate), rusty, but thanks for the advice.
Last night all the lights were off except one by his car, which only lit up the drive, so someone must have said something. My son will put up a black out blind if it becomes necessary, he also says the fittings could be angled downwards but I doubt that will happen. The intense lights come on if a car passes but at least not all night and all day.

Went swimming yesterday with the grandchildren. Such a pleasure to see them improving all the time. The little girl is completely fearless, launching herself into the pool regardless of there being a catcher. AS she can only swim with one of those pieces of foam, that's a tad dangerous!

I can't quite parse the Magazine clue....
5078 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd December 2015, 10:55
Hello, Elle!
Oh, fame, surely, Elle!
Did not take long for Malone and me to spot you!
At the same time!.
I do not do the crossword till later, but I always have a quick look and fill in the three and four letter clues right away...if I can.
So that is how I am early at the game.
My painter has been and gone.
Primer coat applied and I can close the door after twenty minutes, he said. Very nice man, too.
Cold here too, and we have a wild weather warning from Met Office.
Storm Eva approaching.
Hope she does not arrive until La Bamba and me get home from our outing!
5079 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd December 2015, 11:05
Hello, Rosalind!
Well, a bit of progress regarding the lights.
There are always solutions if you persevere and seek them.
Your son seems to be on the ball, so I think things will be fine.
It is quite a straightforward clue.
Magazine featuring topless beauty (4)
I believe Elle is a ladies magazine, apart from being our "lady who lunches"?
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