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22nd December 2015, 19:13
Hi, Rusty!
How was your crossword? Any "Londonisms"?
Speaking of crosswords, will the Times be available on Christmas Day and Boxing day?
I thought I heard tell that there would be a paper on Christmas day this year - this is surely unusual? Maybe I dreamt it?
I ask because I shall have to buy a paper from tomorrow until next Monday, in order to do any crosswords, as my friend will be away again - so no screen shots!!
Regarding the steak pie.......are you not going to one of your son's for Christmas lunch/ dinner ?
Do you not have a big family get together ?
(Mind you, our Scottish branch of the family do not lay great store by Christmas. They still celebrate Hogmanay more).
We are going to our younger daughter's this year - son-in-law is cooking (I shall of course , offer to "labour"!)
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22nd December 2015, 19:17
Hello, Chris!
What plans do you have for Christmas? Are you spending it at home?
My family that live up your way are all heading off for the Scottish Highlands !
Fort William?
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22nd December 2015, 20:22
Hello, Elle!
I can help you here.
I pay my paper by direct debit.
The Times send me books of vouchers.
One for each day Mon to Sat( I do not wish a Sunday paper).
Anyway, each voucher has day and date on it.
But on Christmas Day's it has Seasons Greetings, so no paper that day.
Boxing Day should be as normal.
Yes, I visit my families on Christmas Day, but not to eat.
I am like your Scottish branch. New Year takes priority.
One Londonism.
One eating fish that's spicier from East End (5)
(H)otter. Get it?
Apparently the Times setters think London is the only city with an East End!
Mind you, they had a Scottish dance (strathspey) so I shall not complain today.
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22nd December 2015, 21:14
Hi elle
Yes, at home. An old friend (who used to teach as at University, in fact) arrived today to stay over the period. She brought some very fine wines with her!

Merry Christmas to you and everyone else who participates on this thread and this site.
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22nd December 2015, 21:14
Hi, Rusty!
Ah thank you, so I shall only need to buy a paper for three days - plus of course our usual Sunday paper.
Yes, I did "get" the clue! these cockneyisms are becoming a bore though, aren't they?
I shall have to talk to Rose.
But at least you got your Scottish dance!
I think you are forecast heavy rain and colder, too, tomorrow - not what you want for the painter's visit.....
Do you know Bing's "Do you Hear what I hear...?"
I now have a new "earworm!
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22nd December 2015, 21:19
Hi, Chris!
I was sitting at the computer when your post came through!
Is this the friend who introduced your wife to the ferns? I remember your saying that she taught you both.
Enjoy the wine..............

Wishing you and your family - and the dog and the two cats - A Very Happy Christmas!
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22nd December 2015, 21:23
Hell), Elle!
Yes, I know Bing's song!
Mine is still "pa-rum pum pum pum".
The painter and me will just have to get on with it.
My fear is Miss La Bamba getting paint on herself.
She wants watching!
I am pretty certain the "otter" clue was used fairly recently, too. I seemed to know it instantly.

Merry Christmas, Chris!
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22nd December 2015, 22:09
Hi, Rusty!
Maybe you are just getting acclimatised to the Cockney habit of dropping "aitches"?
I shall need to go to the pet shop tomorrow to find a toy for both the dog and the cat
( I don't think they do goldfish toys!)
We cannot leave them out at Christmas!
It is bad enough that we are abandoning the dog on the Day.....she is going to my friend's house as we cannot take her to face my daughter's fiercely aggressive cat!
Now, re Bing.... I have found my recording of Bing singing "The Little Drummer Boy " solo....I KNEW I had it somewhere!
I'm now alternatively singing "Do You Hear what I Hear" , and "Pa rum pum pum pum"(again)!
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22nd December 2015, 22:15
Pa rum pum pum pum has never left me !
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22nd December 2015, 22:17
Hello, Ladies,
I listen to Boney M's version several times a day!
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