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24th December 2015, 21:42
Hi, Rusty!
That sounds like the makings of a great day!
You will be very busy!
Have you bought in mince pies to offer the girls when they come to visit?
We are off to our daughter's early on tomorrow.
I bet they have trouble getting the young one to sleep tonight!
He has announced that he is waiting up to see Santa's reindeer land on the roof!
Take care when vaulting the know what happened last time when you jumped over a stream!
I'll be back early evening, so we can catch up then if you are around?
Wishing you and your family A Very Happy Christmas!
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24th December 2015, 21:57
Apparently (i have just seen a photo), at Aberdeen Airport the board is indicating
"Arrival from North Pole. Santa. On approach"
I am expecting La Bamba to be very excited tomorrow!
To you, Elle, and your family, may I wish you all the very best for Christmas!
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25th December 2015, 08:00
Merry Christmas everyone!
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25th December 2015, 08:11
Happy Christmas everyone.

Father Christmas left me a new Chambers Dictionary - no stopping me now!
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25th December 2015, 08:31
Must have been awkward getting Chambers down the chimney.

Good cooking chrise

Off to deliver skateboard, accessories, musical items, sloe gin and gingerbread house.

have a good time, all
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25th December 2015, 08:56
Merry Christmas!
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25th December 2015, 10:02

Hope Father Christmas has fulfilled your wishes
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25th December 2015, 10:08
Merry Christmas everyone - and what a strange one it is!
I am sitting looking at my garden and there are roses still blooming, geraniums in their pots still flowering, daffodils coming up and the grass is still growing! I can't recall this happening before.
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25th December 2015, 17:56
Hi, Rusty!
I hope you have had / maybe are still having / an enjoyable day with your family?
So....................did Santa bring Miss La Bamba a car?
( I feel sure that he did and that she will be taking you out in it soon for bacon rolls!)
We have had a great day!
Our son-in-law did the cooking and it was excellent!
He is also a Bing fan, and funnily enough the first song that was playing when we arrived was the Bing and David Bowie version of "Little Drummer Boy"!
How about that for a coincidence! Pa rum pum pum pum!
I have been playing trains all day.................I never knew that Thomas the Tank Engine had so many "friends"!
Among other gifts, we bought him "Connor", if that means anything to you?
Just been round to collect the dog from my friend's - she is happy to be home and is playing with her new toys!
So what did Santa bring you?
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25th December 2015, 20:23
Good evening, Elle!
Your day sounds excellent!
I do not know Connor, but one the young lads in ASDA is called that, maybe with just one "n" though.
Miss La Bamba got a car from Santa, yes.
One very happy young lady!
It has been quite hectic for me here.
Out in the morning, then granddaughters in all their finery appeared. Then one of my sons turned up.
I got a couple of books by a local author, Jim Crumley.
"The Last Wolf" and "The Winter Whale".
And....I have recorded a television programme on National Geographic channel about building the London Underground rail system! Mr Rogan will be very pleased with me!
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