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23rd December 2015, 11:08
I think the magazine is B(elle) !
5081 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd December 2015, 11:31
Sure is, Rossim!
5082 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd December 2015, 12:00
Hi everyone,

The magazine ELLE has been in existence since I was a teenager !
My mother always bought it.

Bright and sunny, a tiny breeze which makes it feels fresh, but still in double figure temps.

Glad your door has had its first treatment Rusty.
5083 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd December 2015, 12:01
Hi, Rusty!
Goodness, your painter is very quick and proficient! I'm assuming the paint has dried by now and your door is closed?
When is Round two?
From the sounds of the weather forecast it had better be soon?
I have just been hearing about "thundersnow" .....whatever next?
Seemingly it is just like a thunderstorm, only SNOW falls instead of rain.
Is it coming with Storm Eva?
My friend in Calgary is delighted because snow has fallen and they are set for a White Christmas!
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23rd December 2015, 12:56
Doh! was trying to make Elle out of Helen (of Troy)
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23rd December 2015, 13:08
Good afternoon!
Painter was very quick. A good tradesman.
He may pop up for a few minutes next week to treat and fill in knotholes and stuff.
The primer is dry, but i have left "wet paint" notice up for the postie's benefit.
Not heard of thundersnow, Elle. (neither has my spellchecker!)
Pretty wet and windy here, so I take it Eva is approaching.
Seems to be a lot of road traffic today.
The young one and me were at Pine Cone cafe for bacon rolls..
Very festive there!
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23rd December 2015, 14:35
That's good about the front door, Rusty!
And glad to hear that you and Miss L-B got out to have your bacon rolls.
We are just popping over to the pet shop to look for appropriate gifts for the dog and the cat! Something to play with, I think.
Still nice here so far!
It's good to see the sun shining so brightly!
I have completed the Times QC earlier, but only a third of the way through the 15 x15 - my brain must be sluggish today!
5087 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd December 2015, 15:14
Well Rosalind, Helen of Troy was quite a beauty no?
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23rd December 2015, 17:21
Ah yes, Pigale. I really like Rupert Brooke's poem on the subject (Menelaus and Helen)-

He had not remembered that she was so fair
Or that her neck curved down in such a way

However, you cannot make Elle out of headless Helen, no matter how hard you try!
5089 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd December 2015, 20:36
Earlier threads discussed the Little Drummer Boy - a song I've never liked. Imagine my horror when tonight's University Challenge featured that as a question - four versions of it! I liked none of those too - Andy Williams, Marlene Dietrich (painful to listen to, I felt), Johnny Cash and Destiny's Child. I hope all your Rum Pum Pum Pum fans saw it and enjoyed it!
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