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21st December 2015, 18:35
Hi, Rusty!
The vet is worried that the dog might develop a fistula ( or fistulas).
The main problem is that if there is ever a need to operate to remove the offending gland, then there is a risk of faecal incontinence, as the anal gland is so very close to the sphincter muscle.
But this of course may never happen. And on the plus side, our previous dog had to have his anal glands removed as he had cancer there - and he had no resulting problems.
So we shall try not to worry at this stage.
No medication, just vigilance!
And a visit in a month!
Yes, I saw about Formula One's contract with the BBC being terminated ted three years early!
If they ever stop transmitting Athletics, I shall have to think seriously about another source!
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21st December 2015, 20:20
Hello, Elle!
You are very sensible if I may so.
No point in worrying on things that may not come to pass.
There is excellent athletics coverage on Eurosport.
They have two sports channels.
But, who knows what BBC's long term plans are!
I think they will keep Wimbledon, though.
Painter is coming on Wednesday and I am booked to go out with Miss La Bamba, then. So not ideal!
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21st December 2015, 22:13
Hi, Rusty!
I have had an email from Amazon.
They are to have a "Boxing Day Deals Week", starting 4 pm on Christmas
Did your painter say what time he is coming on Wednesday? Can you not plan around his visit?
Do you need to be there whilst he paints? Presumably he will be doing an undercoat first? and so long as you tell him your choice of colour (is it still red?) could you not leave him to "get on with it"?
Then you would be free to go out with Miss L- B!
We are fortunate in that our local builders, painters and decorators are a family run firm (set up by the father who has since died ) and now run by his four sons, who in turn have two of their own sons already working with them.
We have known them for years and can always leave them alone in the house if necessary. They have more- or -less permanent possession of one of our keys, so that they can come and carry out jobs!
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21st December 2015, 22:34
Hello, Elle!
You are lucky. Hang on to those guys!
Good tradesmen are not always to hand.
First stage is prep and undercoat (white), which should not take long, but.... I think I will have to leave the door open for several hours until it dries. So, not ideal for La Bamba and me swanning off for a bacon roll.
I have picked my red, and the painter makes it up, I think.
Wednesday was La Bamba's idea, and I agreed, then the painter phoned!
We will see what happens!
And I have an enormous Wendy house for the elves to take away!
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21st December 2015, 23:10
Hi, Rusty!
Fingers crossed for a fine day - and a warmish one if you have to have your front door standing open for several hours!
Will the painter have to postpone if it rains, or do you have a porch?
Dry here now and the wind has died down.
I hope you and Miss La Bamba can still keep your date!
I am going to have my hair cut (well, trimmed...a little) tomorrow morning.
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22nd December 2015, 00:41
I am so angry I can't sleep! My neighbour spent the day putting in new security lights, which are on all the time day and night and send a very strong light directly at the side of my house and trough the landing window. I can read by it. Having checked, it is only an irritation not a health hazard so the council wouldn't be interested. Will just have to get blackout curtains and something to cover it by day too.
Rusty, maybe have some bacon rolls at home? When I painted my front door (Have always done the inside and outside decoration) I did so in May, starting at sun up. You've chosen the shortest day!! I also had a gadget which made an alarm sound if anyone crossed the beam, as I wanted the door open for as long as possible.
Am sampling my own sloe gin so perhaps I can sleep
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22nd December 2015, 09:11
Good morning!
Rosalind, can your neighbour not adjust the light so that it is not intrusive? Have you spoken to them? Could be they do not realise?
Yes, this door painting/going out scenario will take a wee bit of thinking about.
Not a very nice day up here!
Windy and wet!
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22nd December 2015, 09:29
Rusty; no use trying to speak to him, he ignores even "Hello".

At least the light has gone off now, the previous ones were on all day (but much dimmer). He could have lit his drive from his garage wall without impinging on my house at all, and as far as I can see the lights aren't adjustable. As I live at the top of a hill and my house sticks out in front of his, I expect you can see it for miles at night. I am tempted to paint "Why?" in black on the side as I have plenty of left-over paint to cover that with later.

I needed a stiff gin to get to sleep last night! (Don't usually drink spirits at all but I made sloe gin for my daughter-in-law). Will have to buy two blackout blinds and blackout curtain linings.

The door paint is a problem- maybe delay the last coat until you can give it a long time to dry?
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22nd December 2015, 11:51
That's a pity, Rosalind.
Would having a chat with your solicitor do any good?
Local councillor? (My spellchecker does not like councillor.Only one "L" in American spelling, apparently.
May be something that can be done.
Local by(e?) laws etc?
A strange man who ignores a friendly "Hello".
I know B & Q have blackout blinds, but I do not know how effective they are. Be worth exploring though?
The door is getting three coats.
First one tomorrow, and I have no idea when my fine painter shall do the next two.
I hope he is like General MacArthur! "I shall return!"
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22nd December 2015, 15:24
Hello, Elle!
Did you get up today?
You had a haircut to get?
I have blue skies and rain here!
The elves have told me that the Wendy house is now not needed until April!
So, that's something less to concern me.

Hello. Pigale,
Hope all is well with you in the village?
Anything exciting happening?
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