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20th December 2015, 17:17
I do not get that, Elle?
Is it humorous?
5021 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th December 2015, 17:23
The Penny has dropped!
Now where does that phrase come frome?
Penny arcade?
5022 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th December 2015, 18:00
Hi, Rusty!
I'm having trouble posting...I type out what I want to say and then press 'Add Post' and it all disappears! Never to be seen again! I've done this twice now!
I am typing this in Word and shall try copy and pasting it - at least if it disappears again, I shall still have the original to copy.........
Chambers says that "pennyworth" means the amount that can be got for a penny - and "penny arcade" is an amusement arcade with slot machines originally operated by a penny.
Whilst I was looking for this, I found a phrase I have never come across before......
"penny-plain, twopence-coloured"
Have you ever heard this?
5023 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th December 2015, 18:44
Elle, the 'penny-plain, twopence coloured' was coined by Robert Louis Stevenson. I've just looked it up online and it was very interesting.

Rusty, glad Isla White wasn't wasted on you.
5024 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th December 2015, 19:07
Hello, Elle,
You are too technical for me.
I do not know Word.
Maybe you are pressing the wrong button?
How are you and Rose getting on, today?
I have "code tags" outside my message box.
Are they of use to anyone?

5025 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th December 2015, 21:22
Hi, Rusty!
What can I say......?
I voted for Jess!
but Andy came over quite well in his acceptance speech, didn't he? and raised a laugh when he said he 'd been likened to being more boring than a wet weekend in Worthing! He said it was insulting Worthing!
I actually quite liked him!
I only saw it from just before AP received his award...I missed the first hour because we were having dinner and then my daughter phoned.
Code tags ? you've lost me here....what are they? I'm useless at technology!

Malone, thank you for the information - I shall look up that reference about RLS and "penny-plain, twopence coloured".
I learn something new every day!
5026 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th December 2015, 21:40
Hello, Elle!
Yes, Andy did well.
And he is beginning to grow on you!
It is all good fun, really.
I voted for Lizzie.
When I joined Twitter, the first two folk I "followed" were Lizzie and Cancellara.
And I like AP. Best jump jockey I ever saw.
Code tags appear on my screen next to the "message box" in which you type.
I thought it was maybe something Ash added.
I think if you click on one you can win a Korean kitchen.
5027 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th December 2015, 22:03
Rusty, I think Elle has met the Code Tags before - and they weren't totally successful when she tried using them. I can't remember the details, but I think there were huge amounts of underlining involved. This prompted the return of the exclamation marks!
5028 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th December 2015, 22:09
Right, Malone!
I am staying away from them!
5029 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th December 2015, 22:11
Rusty, I've ignored them for however long they've been sitting next to the 'Your Message' box. I've never yet felt deprived.
5030 of 30765  -   Report This Post