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20th December 2015, 15:01
Hi, Rusty!
We timed our walk well - we have only been home for about fifteen minutes and now it has started to rain heavily!
So you predicted well for Eva-Marie! ( a pity you didn't place a bet!)
I also have a crossword clue for you with a Scottish connection in the clue......
this from the Everyman.........I thought it quite a clever one......
Dry artist in Scottish town making joke (9)
(I couldn't do Malone's clue either but then I have never heard of the word 'haet')
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20th December 2015, 15:22
Hello, Malone,
A new word to me!
Yes, I thought "het" and "a", but never looked up "haet".
And I could not see the sense in "heat".
My fault for not exploring "haet", but I have not come across it before.
Always learning!
I see now that Chambers and Bradfords both have it.
Thank you for that!
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20th December 2015, 15:34
Hello, Elle!
It is a fine day here, not completely cloudless, but fine.
Bit cooler than yesterday, too.
Yes, I picked Eva-Marie and did not jinx her!
She was delighted. There seems to be a great camaraderie between the women skiers. Good to see. Proper sportswomen!
Yes, I have got your "wisecrack", courtesy of Anne Bradford!
No, you are not alone regarding "haet".
I do not know it, though I should not have presumed it was not a word.
What is the point of me getting a newer Chambers and not using it!
I pondered "yoke" which is a word for thing, but could not get it to work with the clue.
Passed an entertaining few minutes, though, thanks to Malone!
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20th December 2015, 15:46
Rusty, I'm glad you have added to your vocabulary - as have we all today, as I think 'haet' was new to everyone. (Apologies for not saying originally that it was a cryptic clue - to me that's the only kind worth tackling!)

In the other Independent crossword today, one of the winners was Ivor Bunnett (from Newport-on-Tay). I have my suspicions about this being his/her real name!
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20th December 2015, 15:55
Malone, I know Newport-on-Tay fairly well.
Not heard of that chap.
Could it be a misprint?
Burnett is not an unusual name in these parts.
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20th December 2015, 16:02
Rusty, your misprint idea seems eminently sensible - but I liked my silly names scenario. I thought Ivor Bunnet might be friends with Shona Legge and Isla White...
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20th December 2015, 16:27
One student at Edinburgh was called Ailsa Craig and another Faseny Brooke. She said there was a small stream called the Faseny at the bottom of her garden......I didn't believe her really but there is a Faseny Water in Berwickshire which probably has a river flowing out of it.....
How odd that it's in the same area I've just discovered is where one set of gt gt gt grandparents originated.
I wouldn't have looked up "haet" either.
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20th December 2015, 16:39
Malone, I had to say Isla White several times before it clicked!
I can be pretty dense at times!
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20th December 2015, 17:00
We had a girl at school called Penelope Worth......
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20th December 2015, 17:17
Hi, Rusty!
I must own to checking 'Wick' out on Google, but I was fairly certain that is a Scottish town!
I decided to look into registering for a BBCiD for voting for SPOTY this evening (as it's free online)
I was mighty puzzled when I put in my email address and was told to offer another one as that one was already in use!
But it turns out that I already have a BBCiD - hence the confusion! I don't recall doing that? but obviously I must have done! (yes, I know...another senior moment!)
I am now halfway through gift-wrapping - just taking a break........
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