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20th December 2015, 09:30
Good morning, Elle!
Yes, I still have the Wendy house.
I do not know when it is being collected.
It is very heavy!
Shoogly is Scots, but I do not know if the expression is?
Shoogly is wobbly or unsteady.
If someone's jaiket/jacket is hanging on a shoogly peg, it means their job is unsafe.
I was being facetious, as I think Mr Rogan is doing a fine job.
I am sure Chambers has heard of shoogly!
It is a bit blowy/windy here today.
Dry though.
What are all the jobs you have to do?
I put up my Christmas tree last night!

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20th December 2015, 10:45
Good morning, Rusty!
The sun is trying hard to come through, but the sky is becoming increasingly grey - no wind though, and very mild and muggy.
A stiff invigorating breeze wouldn't go amiss!
Jobs? Well, so far we have cleaned out the fridge and freezer..... the cooker filters need attention....... I still have presents to wrap ( I love giving presents, but hate wrapping them up!) and I have beds to make up ready for family coming to stay!!
There is no particular hurry for the last though, as elder daughter and family won't be with us for Christmas Day ( they alternate usually between us and the in-laws) but will be here afterwards in time for my husband's birthday which , if you remember , falls on New Years' Day.
So a three- fold celebration on that day- birthday, New Year, and a "second" Christmas!
Well done on putting up your tree!
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20th December 2015, 10:50
Hello, Pigale!
We didn't see anything of you yesterday?
I hope the water heater is behaving and not giving you further problems?
Is your village centre decorated for Christmas? We have Christmas lights up on the high Street, but strangely I didn't notice a tree when I last was down there - usually we have one. I will look when I go down there tomorrow!
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20th December 2015, 11:08
Hello, Elle!
I was at ASDA earlier and thought it was fairly quiet there.
No tree up in my nearest High Street.
Is it too early? Council cuts?
I have just registered with BBC so I can vote in SPOTY this evening.
Going for Lizzie! She won't win, but never mind.
I am home for the day, now, and watching the skiing.
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20th December 2015, 12:29
Hi, Rusty!
I haven't looked into the voting rights for SPOTY? Can one phone?
I shall support Jess! Just hoping that A.M's triumph in the Davis Cup doesn't encourage folk to vote for him!!
I am giving up on chores for a while....just taking the dog out whilst the sun is offering up a ghostly glimmer!
Will have a look at the Everyman when I come home.
Enjoy the skiing!
5005 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th December 2015, 12:35
Hello Elle, Rusty and everyone,

Not much to say about yesterday, apart from daily weather report!
The water heater/tank is behaving extremely well, I am glad to say.

In fact I have just come back the village (unusual for me to go down on a Sunday) because there is a small Christmas Market; bought Foie Gras and Magret fume (smoked slices of Duck). Too early for oysters. There was a Champaign tasting stand where I met up with people I know and had a glass, even though it was early - but there again there is no time for Champagne!

The town is lit, every shop front is decorated with Christmas tree branches and ribbons, quite apart from what decoration they do in their window as well, and there is a main tree in one of the squares, Music is being played (Though it is always the same CD, but never mind) - So yes, the village has made a nice effort.

Back home for rest of the day now;

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20th December 2015, 12:50
Hello, Elle!
Phone? Probably.
I have phoned a vote before, or was that for BGT?
So you are supporting a Yorkshire lass, and so am I!
Paddy P has Murray odds on, at 8/13 to win.
Jess is 9/4.
Lizzie is 500/1.
Skiing is good.
Women's Giant Slalom on.
Possibly a win for Eva-Marie Brem.
Lindsey Vonn goes too, but her forte is the downhill.
We shall see!

Hello Pigale,
Nice to hear from you!
Seems like a very nice village you live in!
5007 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th December 2015, 13:38
Rusty, here's a little, totally non-London/south of England clue for you. It's in today's Independent.

32. Agitated about a little thing in Dundee (4).
5008 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th December 2015, 14:42
Hello, Malone.
I must confess defeat, I'm afraid.
I presume it is cryptic?
I have "he a t" and "yoke" in my head, but cannot make a case for either.

Elle, Skiing was excellent.
Eva-Maria Brem won.
Just her second win in over 100 starts, so a good day for her.
And no, I had not a penny on her!
5009 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th December 2015, 14:53
Rusty, you almost had it - it's Haet, meaning a whit, a small bit. Ha'it and hate mean the same thing too. I think it's Het = agitated and add the 'a' for about.
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