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19th December 2015, 07:55
Hello, Elle!
Yes, a good light hearted piece by Rose, and so is Mr Rogan's input. It appears as if our points have been passed to the setters.
I always read (and enjoy) Rose's column, anyway.
Right, I am off to get my paper before the skiing starts.
A long day ahead!
4971 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th December 2015, 09:05
Hi, Rusty!
A very mild and so far dry day - although the ground is wet (muddy dog!) as it has obviously been raining throughout the night.
Just arrived home - complete with paper!
Yes, it is quite a reasonable article, isn't it? Rose did get our main points across, even if the content matter were curtailed somewhat.
RR's reply was almost word for word like his letter to me! Remember I quoted bits of it to you?
He is still defending his actions though.... I doubt we shall see much/any change!
But a very good job done by Rose!
4972 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th December 2015, 09:30
Hello, Elle!
It is 13C here!. Like summer!
Wee bit cloudy.
Great weather at Val d'Isere for hurling yourself down the mountain!
Beautiful blue sky and snow covered mountains.
Starting soon.
Yes, I think Rose is the referee between correspondents and editors!
I think the Feedback column is a grand part of the paper, though.
And it covers anything folk write in about.
Rose does a sterling job, with a touch of humour.
So...fine for me!

4973 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th December 2015, 11:40
Merry Christmas to Elle and Rusty and all who dwell here.
Well done for putting over your points. Rose is a very cheeky lady, especially with her last three "places" .....all Cockney rhyming slang of course ! Or did you not notice ? Xx
4974 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th December 2015, 11:44
Hi, Rusty!
Well, at any rate, it is good to have a publicly acknowledged response from the "powers- that-be"!
Who knows, there subsequently may be replies from the public and more notice drawn to the situation.
One can but dream......
The sun has come out and the sky has a hint (very faintly) of blue! We are going out now, whilst it is nice.
I hope your Sport progresses to your satisfaction!
4975 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th December 2015, 13:14
Hello, Elle!
If I was sufficiently irked (I'm not) by the flow of Londonism's from these setters, I would change papers. But the problem is, these setters set the crosswords for the other main dailies as well.
And, The Times will always have the last word, as it's their paper!
I have an A5 Collins diary and can honestly say I can not make out the print on the tube map, so whoever Mr Rogan thinks it helps has much better sight than my 20/20 vision.
That apart, I liked Rose's article.
Skiing was good, but... Lindsey Vonn crashed out in the downhill.
The event was won by Lara Gut of Switzerland.
Do we go about in "shirtsleeves" or "shirt sleeves"?

4976 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th December 2015, 14:48
Hi, Rusty!
We had a very pleasant walk this afternoon - the sun shone throughout, altho' surprisingly it was quite windy.
I'm glad to report a clean dog this time!

Yes, I'm afraid the Times DID have the last word, although I missed the significance until it was pointed out to me! It was a case of my not KNOWING, rather than not noticing!
But then, I'm not a Londoner! (I only live here - and then on the Kent borders!)
I'm a Lancastrian born and bred - and proud of it!
The three "places" to which Rose referred at the end of her article are not in fact such at all - but rhyming slang .......(and I had to google these ........)
Look them up, Rusty.......they are somewhat rude and I'm not explaining them on here!!!

According to Chambers, we go about in "shirtsleeves"!
(Why do you ask?)

A pity about Lindsey Vonn- did you have a small bet on her?
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19th December 2015, 15:19
Elle, you obviously missed my post 4974 referring to the three "places" ? But my wishes still stand
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19th December 2015, 16:00
Hello, Elle!
I am not really interested in the rhyming slang, Elle.
There is a fellow comes into my local in town.
Helluva nice guy, known to one and all as London Tony.
He married a local girl many years ago.
Anyway, not once have I ever heard him speak this slang, or say "f" for "th".
He told me home was Bermondsey.
South London?
His English is perfectly plain to us all, and there are folk and barmaids in the pub from all over.
The only folk I struggle to tune into are those from North of Aberdeen.
The Buchan dialect is a language of it's own.
Have to get Mr Rogan to get his setters up there!
Not men and women up there.
It's "loons" and "quines".
I just thought today was "shirtsleeves weather" but was not sure if it was one or two words.
Ach, Lindsey's fine. She stayed upright after doing the splits!
Just a wee double on the football today.
Falkirk (the speckled church) have already won, and Dundee who are winning. Just a wee fun bet.

4979 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th December 2015, 18:09
Hi, Rusty!
I only drew your attention to the rhyming slang at the end of Rose's article - not because I thought you were 'interested' in it as such, but because I considered it a clever, somewhat caustic, note on which to end her article.
It brings to mind shades of "Engleby" and "Life of Pi"..............what to believe?
Does Rose agree with us? Does she agree with RR?
I think perhaps she is inferring very subtly that he will not change his attitude!
What do you think? How do YOU interpret it?
(I might write to her and ask her?)
But anyway....I think we held our own!
I have been to Aberdeen - but never heard of "loons" and "quines" for men and women!
So is a small boy a "loony"?!
Did Dundee come through and win? thereby enabling you to realise your bet?
Time to think of dinner........... have you had your dinner/ tea yet?
4980 of 30765  -   Report This Post