Hello, Elle!
I am not really interested in the rhyming slang, Elle.
There is a fellow comes into my local in town.
Helluva nice guy, known to one and all as London Tony.
He married a local girl many years ago.
Anyway, not once have I ever heard him speak this slang, or say "f" for "th".
He told me home was Bermondsey.
South London?
His English is perfectly plain to us all, and there are folk and barmaids in the pub from all over.
The only folk I struggle to tune into are those from North of Aberdeen.
The Buchan dialect is a language of it's own.
Have to get Mr Rogan to get his setters up there!
Not men and women up there.
It's "loons" and "quines".
I just thought today was "shirtsleeves weather" but was not sure if it was one or two words.
Ach, Lindsey's fine. She stayed upright after doing the splits!
Just a wee double on the football today.
Falkirk (the speckled church) have already won, and Dundee who are winning. Just a wee fun bet.