Hi, Rusty!
Goodness, there are certainly a lot of puzzles! Is this a normal Saturday occurrence or is this a special Christmas edition of the paper?
To be honest, I'm not really interested. I like to do the crosswords, but apart from that .....I have neither the time nor the inclination.
In days gone by, I used occasionally to play chess, but so long ago that now I can only remember the most basic of moves! So wouldn't attempt any chess problems!
And I hate Sudoku with a vengeance!
How about you?
However, I am regenerating an interest in jigsaw puzzles! I believe that, as a Christmas gift from one of my daughters, I am getting one of those boards on which you can build your jigsaw - the board folds to keep the jigsaw pieces in situ whilst solving the puzzle?
I will be able to tell you more , once I have received it!
Plus of course, some puzzles to solve!
The hardest jigsaw I ever did was a circular one of birds! Very difficult!
(I need straight edges and corners!)
P.S. Malone has just drawn my attention to a Scottish (!) clue in the Cryptic Jumbo
Footballers arrive short needing to change 5,6)
Maybe Mr R is feeling guilty!