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19th December 2015, 18:39
Hello, Elle!
Now Engleby and Life of Pi have passed me by.
North of Aberdeen is all loons and quines. Not loony. Loon.
Cows are cattle beasts or kye.
I thought Rose's column was OK, but she assumes her readers know how Cockneys speak. I for one, do not, and there are many more like me. And many folk who attempt the crossword have never been to Britain or wondered what a Bakerloo was. And I have never heard of Frith Street.
Or Thrift Street. Why would I? I live hundreds of miles from there. This is exactly my point about the London thing. They seem to think we know what they are talking about.
For instance there is a quaintly named district in Dundee called Happyhillocks (honest!), but I would not expect Londoners to know that, or even folk in Glasgow. And it certainly should not be part of a crossword.
I do not know what she is alluding to in her last paragraph.
Yes, Dundee had a fine 4-0 win at home today so all the young ones will be pleased!
What is on your Times masthead, Elle?
I had silverside and tatties for tea!
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19th December 2015, 19:48
Hi I think this is the second time I have entered The Maze. As the great golden number approaches I would be very interested to see a League table of chatters, gossips and chunterers!!! I hope that someone will oblige.

Certainly all users should be eternally grateful to NORAH who initially warned that LONG ONGOING THREADS WOULD BE REMOVED. She has turned a blind eye and the chatterers remain striving it seems to reach some distant goal just for the sake of it.

I agree that PCTs do little harm but do they need a crossword forum as host -- like cuckoos.

There is no need to generate extra heat because of the above comments BUT there is an issue here about a sort of piracy.

May I conclude by wishing all users a very happy Christmas.
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19th December 2015, 19:51
Yes, a Merry Christmas to all the lovely people here.
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19th December 2015, 20:01
Hi, Rusty!
I have heard of Happy Hillock shopping centre! you forget I have friends living just a mile or so from you, in Invergowrie! They have mentioned the centre.
It's a small world!
I have just done today's Times 2 crossword no 6900, and found a whopping mistake!
The setter obviously thinks that "Gulliver 's Travels" were written by Daniel Defoe instead of Jonathan Swift! However can anyone make such a basic mistake as that?
Very poor!
Oh dear, you have asked me about the Times masthead before - I was supposed to check it out during the week, wasn't I? Sorry, I forgot to do so. You wondered whether it said "London".
Well, it doesn't on today's paper?
We had risotto for dinner - made out of the week's leftovers!
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19th December 2015, 20:16
Helli, Elle!
You have heard of Happyhillocks?
I am banjaxed!
I remember now you have friends just down the road from me.
The setter has blundered?
I hope you have emailed Rose.
She will be Wild!
And Mr Rogan.
Someone is not paying attention!
That's fine about the masthead.
What do you make of all the puzzles in the Saturday Times?
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19th December 2015, 21:01
We Southerners now have a Scottish clue courtesy of the Times Jumbo cryptic. Maybe the tables have turned.....
Footballers arrive short needing to change (5.6)
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19th December 2015, 21:11
Jazzgirl, I saw that and had similar thoughts! I think Rusty probably didn't see it as he doesn't bother with the Jumbo. I don't know if Elle's seen it.
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19th December 2015, 21:24
No, I hadn't seen it, Malone......!
Thank you for drawing my attention to it.
Maybe a sop to calm us down....?

Raith Rovers - anagram of 'arrive short'
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19th December 2015, 21:29
I guess I must stop writing in invisible ink......hey ho
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19th December 2015, 21:31
Hi, Rusty!
Goodness, there are certainly a lot of puzzles! Is this a normal Saturday occurrence or is this a special Christmas edition of the paper?
To be honest, I'm not really interested. I like to do the crosswords, but apart from that .....I have neither the time nor the inclination.
In days gone by, I used occasionally to play chess, but so long ago that now I can only remember the most basic of moves! So wouldn't attempt any chess problems!
And I hate Sudoku with a vengeance!
How about you?
However, I am regenerating an interest in jigsaw puzzles! I believe that, as a Christmas gift from one of my daughters, I am getting one of those boards on which you can build your jigsaw - the board folds to keep the jigsaw pieces in situ whilst solving the puzzle?
I will be able to tell you more , once I have received it!
Plus of course, some puzzles to solve!
The hardest jigsaw I ever did was a circular one of birds! Very difficult!
(I need straight edges and corners!)

P.S. Malone has just drawn my attention to a Scottish (!) clue in the Cryptic Jumbo
Footballers arrive short needing to change 5,6)

Maybe Mr R is feeling guilty!
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