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18th December 2015, 14:41
Good afternoon, Elle!
Yes, I have worked out Malone's clue.
Very parochial, again.
And we are expected to know city train routes now?
Even those of us who live hundreds of miles from there.
Are we supposed to be impressed by the clever setter?
Mr Rogan may be, but I am not.
I don't do the quick one.
One crossword a day is enough for me!
It is very mild up here, Something's up with the weather!
I am leaning toward McPherson's Sealing Wax red for my door.
it was good of Rose to email you.
And was she far, did she say?

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18th December 2015, 14:51
Hello, Pigale!
My weather seems to be like yours (but no sign of sun!)
But it is dry. at least.
I never knew there were so many shades of red!
I will leave off picking a shade until I see the painter.
Though he was threatening to knock off early for Christmas!
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18th December 2015, 15:49
Hi, Rusty!
I knew you would not be happy with the "London" clue!
Mr R, in his own defence of using "Londonisms", said to me - I quote - "The tube station map, however, is widely available in diaries, for example, and includes many famous landmarks in the names."
The inference being that all should know it!
At least your new Underground map could be put to good use! The Bakerloo line is indicated brown on the tube map.
This morning, I have had yet another email from Rose!
Wait for it.......she says that she hopes that my query about Londonisms will feature in her Feedback column tomorrow!
Fame at last....? but only "hopes........," mind you!
I don't think I shall buy the paper again as it may never happen!....maybe you could very kindly look first and tell me if the subject is raised?
I should appreciate that!
We all may find that our letters are mentioned - that would be good!

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18th December 2015, 16:42
Hello, Elle!
You and Rose are getting pretty thick!
I think you should send her a Christmas card!
It is all good stuff from her though, and good of her alerting you to your impending fame!
There will be an editor going through her column, that will be why Rose won't know if you get a mention or not.
I think the in-house lawyers have a look, too.
I have access to Times site because I pay my paper by direct debit and am a member of the Times Club or whatever they call it. The site updates at midnight, so if I am awake I'll have a squiz at the Opinion pages and let you know.
That's another thing.
I told The Times to stop pestering me with their special offers because I am in their club. They are all to do with London.
Events at Barbican and Albert's Hall etc, etc.
They did stop them, in fairness, and do not bother me now.
I think the print on the tube map is a bit wee for me to read.
Isn't Bakerloo a silly name, like a toilet!
Have a doughnut while you...!
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18th December 2015, 18:44
Hi, Rusty!
Well, it began as quite a respectable name !
It was originally called the "Baker Street and Waterloo Railway", as it served both places.
It became contracted into the "Bakerloo" line.
Yes, Rose seems very nice and friendly. I answered her mail yesterday, and she replied back again today.
We shall see what ensues.....thank you for checking, later on ....if our letters are mentioned, I shall buy a paper!
I intended to make a start on my present wrapping this afternoon...but chickened out on the precept that "there is always tomorrow!"
I need to put this coming weekend to some constructive use!
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18th December 2015, 21:15
Hello, Elle!
Rose, by her photo, looks a very nice lady.
Think you should invite her out with the ladies who lunch?
The paper "might" be worth getting anyway, Elle, as it will be the Christmas edition?
I have opened windows here. Very mild, so it is.
Will you watch SPOTY on Sunday?
Lizzie is on it. I shall vote for her. And AP is getting a lifetime achievement award.
Should be good!
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18th December 2015, 22:53
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, it is very mild here, too. Most unseasonal!
I don't think I have cause to buy the paper tomorrow, unless one or more of our letters is in it? or will there be extra crosswords as it is the Christmas edition?
(I receive three puzzles by screen shots, from my friend)
We always buy the Sunday Times , which provides more than enough for us to read over the ensuing week!
Yes, if I get the chance I shall watch SPOTY - I should like Jessica E-H to win, though, as I think she seems to be a very nice person and certainly deserves the accolade.
I am racking my brains to think whom you mean by "AP"?
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18th December 2015, 23:16
Hello, Elle,
AP is the legendary jockey AP McCoy.
First name, Tony, but known to one and all by his initials, AP.
Your letter will NOT be published but Rose may quote part of it. She is not "Letters" editor.
In the Saturday Times there are a multitude of puzzles.
I only do main crossword and give the puzzle pages to my neighbour. There may be extra puzzles for Christmas, but I do not know. Or maybe extra on Christmas Eve?
I would like Lizzie to win Spoty, but she won't.
She is 200-1, I think, to win. Murray is odds on.
So, Jess will do me. I like her, too.
Lindsey Vonn is racing tomorrow.
So, a good sporting weekend ahead!
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19th December 2015, 00:11
Good morning, Elle!
Yes, Rose has featured you (and me) in her column.
So, you may buy The Times.
Quite a good piece, with input from Mr Rogan, too.
Though he has not convinced me, at all!
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19th December 2015, 01:26
Hi, Rusty!
Thank you finding that out! Has Rose made a good job of expressing our opinions?
Yes, I shall certainly buy a paper tomorrow morning now in order to see what she has said!
Nearly half past one.....night! Or rather.....'morning!
Sleep tight!
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