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17th December 2015, 19:19
Thank you , pleydell, for answering!
Do you know, though, how that tied in to the "Man on the Clapham omnibus" phrase?
This is what I am trying to discover?
4951 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th December 2015, 19:46
Elle, try that Wikipedia link man on the Clapham omnibus

hope it works
4952 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th December 2015, 19:59
Hello, Elle!
Pleydell is bang on.
The phrase was first used by a lawyer (Bowen?) In the Tichborne Claimant case.
There is an entry in Brewer's about the Tichborne Claimant.
4953 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th December 2015, 20:05
Hello, Elle,
I am leaning towards a deep red colour for my door, with white facings. There is a Donegal green shade, too. The young ones are going for dark blue, the colours of their football team.
Pa-rum pum pum pum!
4954 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th December 2015, 21:26
Hi, Rusty!
I was just being lazy not looking up that reference for myself! It was very kind of pleydell to come to the rescue! I'm still puzzled though as to why that particular phrase was chosen?
I have looked up Donegal green - it is a lovely colour and would be very appropriate given that you come from there!
But a deep red sounds good too - and you said before that you fancied red.
As you say......decisions.....!
Now for a surprise!
I have just checked my will never guess from whom I have heard?
Rose! as in Rose Wild from The Times!
She tells me that she switched off the Feedback auto-acknowledgement by mistake instead of her personal one. And that was why I had no response to my emails! (of course I'd sent my email after yours as I'd written directly to RR first.)
She apologised for the confusion.
Wasn't that nice of her to 'write' and explain?
I am impressed!
4955 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th December 2015, 22:15
Hello, Elle!
Well done, Rose!
Very nice indeed of her.
Wonder if you will get a mention in her column if it appears on Saturday?
As I understand it, Charles Bowen the lawyer, invented the phrase during the case. I think Arthur Orton was the claimant.
And the phrase came into use in legal circles.
The reds I fancy do not have names but codes.
Deep reds.
4956 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th December 2015, 09:40
Rusty, Londonism rears its (ugly?) head in today's Times Quick Cryptic.
4957 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th December 2015, 09:45
What proportion of restaurant reviews (in the Guardian on Saturdays, for instance) are of establishments outside London? I haven't kept a count, but would guess that it's about 1 in 10.
4958 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th December 2015, 10:37
Good morning, Rusty!!
And a lovely one , too, so it is! The sun is trying to shine (and very nearly succeeding) and it is dry and mild!
I forgot to mention that Rose said she has been away on holiday - so probably why we couldn't find her column last Saturday?
And speaking of Malone has already told you, there is another Londonism in today's QC.
Real boon - like redeveloped travel route (8,4)
Your recent purchase should come in handy!
After you've slept on the the front door definitely going to be red? (it will match /tone? with your car!)
4959 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th December 2015, 11:30
Morning Rusty and everyone,

Let's join in the fun of choosing a colour for your door - I quite like the idea of a deep red, what I call a ' Burgundy Red' -

Grey, not raining and very mild - Sun due afternoon, so they say..
But it is ridiculously mild for this time of the year.
4960 of 30765  -   Report This Post