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17th December 2015, 09:56

That's good news pigale. Able to wash up soon!
I used to make candles in the shape of Christmas trees with very delicate moulds which could only be used 10 times at most (the trees were quite realistic). I know someone who still has hers, 25 years later! She has never lit it. Ice and sand candles are fun to make as well
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17th December 2015, 10:15
I never tried ice and sand, and would not know how to go about it.

I usually buy some ready made (sometimes scented) candles of various colour, the type that are in a container. Every time I blow the candle out, I recuperate the liquid wax by pouring it in a candle glass. This also enable me to use the candle to the end, otherwise the liquid wax goes solid again and covers up the mesh. Then, after a while I have enough wax to be steamed and reused plus scent and new mesh. I do not have any moulds yet, so mine are quite basic coloured candles in glass containers.
4942 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th December 2015, 16:30
Good afternoon, Elle!
Ignore my havers about the Clapham omnibus. Brewer's explains it.
I had it mixed up with the "Clapham Common" murder in the fifties.
It involved Teddy boys and one was sentenced to death, largely through the evidence of a witness on a bus, a woman, I think, though.
He was reprieved.
How did the shopping and eating go?
I was at cemetery etc. I have around eight million and seventeen colours to choose from for my door!

Hello, Pigale!
Good news you are back to normal, but... why does it take five hours to heat water? Mine's is instant.
Hello, Rosalind,
A blocked sink usually responds well to Domestos and a couple of kettlefills of boiling water, I have found.
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17th December 2015, 16:43
Hi Rusty

The problem was I had a sink full of cold, dirty water. These days I empty boiling water down quite often.

I think dark blue is a very nice colour for a front door. But then, I would.
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17th December 2015, 17:09
Are we all waiting to see who makes post 5000?
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17th December 2015, 17:17
That honorary position should go to Norah!
After all, she started the thread!
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17th December 2015, 17:54
Hi, Rusty!
Have you had a good day? I hope the weather was fine for your visit to the cemetery?
Now.....unfortunately, it doesn't say much about "The man on the Clapham omnibus" in MY Brewers!
There is just a brief reference to the "Tichborne Case" ? I have no idea what that was?
I shall have to do some investigating..... unless YOUR Brewers is more informative and you are able to tell me? (says she lazily!)
I had a most successful shopping day! I have now finally finished !!
All that remains is to wrap everything - not a task I relish!
Re your front door.....maybe the answer ris to decide on a colour for the door, then narrow it down to which particular shade?
Yellow is good!
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17th December 2015, 18:13
Hi Rusty,

My hot water heater is a 200 litres and electricity has to heat up the 200 litres in total - but in fact I started to have warmish water much before the 5 hours. Not instant though.
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17th December 2015, 18:16
PS - confusion is my fault because I meant all along 'hot water tank', not heater.
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17th December 2015, 19:04
Dear elle ,I have just seen your question re Tichbourne case, if nobody has answered it , it was a famous case from the late 1800s ama n tried to claim to be the long lost heir to a title and fortune .It went to court and he lost. It was said that he was a butcher who had been tutored by a gang to appear to be a member of the aristocracy. I think that they made a film of it.
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