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15th December 2015, 21:02
Hello, Elle!
I think it is paint, but I shall take the painter's advice.
The joiner recommended him.
I have only spoken briefly to the painter and not about colours.
The girls don't know about it.
Yellow sounds good, as does red.
We shall see where we are tomorrow!
The metal paint was for railings.
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15th December 2015, 22:06
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, I am sure that your painter will be able to offer you helpful advice.
If you do go for a colour, then yellow or red sounds good!
Red will match your car - or do you have that hidden away in a garage?
(We don't have a garage, so our car is out on display!)
If you go for a metal door knocker, rather than a bell, you could possibly paint it with your metal paint to match your railings?
An idea?
I am thinking of doing a little more shopping tomorrow - only just locally down on the High Street for a few odds and ends....then hopefully finishing off the rest of the present buying when I go to Croydon on Thursday.
For "Ladies who Lunch" - the last meeting up this side of the New Year!
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15th December 2015, 22:54
Hello, Elle!
Windy and wet up here!
Let us hope you get a dry day for your shopping tomorrow.
My car lives outside, too.
No, I think I'll get a wireless bell.
I have been looking at some on the Screwfix site.
I like Screwfix.
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16th December 2015, 08:03
rusty and anyone else who uses Screwfix

They are good, but Toolstation , if you have one near you and they have what you want, is much better. It was started by someone from Screwfix who had to wait 5 years before he could do so. Very nearly everything is in stock unlike Screwfix these days and they deliver free if you spend £10 or more.

I once needed quite a lot of screws for the construction of a complicated cake stand to take 145 cupcakes. At Homebase they would have been £13 odd, at Screwfix £4 odd and at Toolstation £1.98! Homebase only sold the size I needed in small packs. More were left over in Toolstation's pack than were in one of the Homebase ones. No idea of quality since a cake stand resembling a Moroccan house was unlikely to be used more than once!
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16th December 2015, 08:56
Good morning, Rosalind!
Thank you for the tip!
I do have a Toolstation not far off.
Never used it though...yet.
I shall have a browse on the website later today.
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16th December 2015, 10:54
Good morning, Rusty!
Damp and miserable here! Very depressing weather!
I enjoyed the morning walk for the sake of being out, but a brisk breeze and some sunshine would have gone down a treat!
I hope you sort out a bell that you like.
We have two Toolstations a short drive away, altho' we have never been to either. We also have a Screwfix - the staff there are good (helpful and informative), but we nearly always have to order things, as they are never in stock.
I'm going to have a coffee, eat an apple, do the QC crossword, and then wander down to the High Street to do a bit of shopping!
Good luck with the painter- I guess he'll be a while coming if he has a funeral to attend first.
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16th December 2015, 14:10
Good afternoon, Elle!
Very dreichsome here, too. Foggy and damp.
I agree on both counts regarding Screwfix.
Very helpful staff, and frequently have to wait 24 hours for required article. Not ideal.
Be a while before I tackle the crossword today!
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16th December 2015, 18:16
Hi, Rusty!
Have you had a good day?
What advice did your painter give regarding your new door?
Did you decide on a colour?
Still damp and miserable here.....almost a muggy atmosphere......very unseasonal!
Oh for a cold and frosty morning tomorrow!
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16th December 2015, 19:28
Hello, Elle!
My day has been grand, thank you.
My painter is giving door three coats of paint, starting next week.
He has left me a colour catalogue to pick a colour.
He thinks the facings should be white. So, fine with me.
Temperature has risen here, up to 9C.
The crossword was tough for me today.
Rus in Urbe? Heterosis? Samey? Fagot?
All new to me!
Hope it is dry tomorrow.
I am going to cemetery etc.
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16th December 2015, 20:21
HI, Rusty!
I didn't have the 15 x15, but the first two clues/ answers? you mentioned would have flummoxed me - I don't know their meanings?
I would hazard a guess at "samey" meaning monotonous and "fagot" - query same as "faggot"? - meaning a bundle?
Could be wrong?
The QC offered up another "Londonism"!
'Applaud actor who overdoes it in South London area '(7)
Easy enough though........but not sure whether you will have heard of it?
My next visit to the crematorium will be on the 21st. I take the Christmas wreath on the day that my Dad died. A kind of double tribute!
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